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Yearly Archives: 2007

They were sitting on tables and benches in John Newton’s old church on Monday 10 December 2007 for the Banner of Truth London meeting ‘An Evening with John Newton.’ The meeting was held to mark the anniversary of the death of the former Vicar of St Mary Woolnoth, who died two hundred years ago, on […]

Category Articles
Date December 21, 2007

Sometimes more is less and less is more. Whether more is less depends upon the character of what is more; whether less is more depends upon the character of what is less. Our first parents had all that they truly needed or could rightly desire. Adam and Eve had holy, loving communion with the God […]

Category Articles
Date December 21, 2007

‘When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy’ Matthew 2:10. Jesus was born in Bethlehem, as Micah the prophet promised seven hundred years before He was born. Bethlehem, the city of David, is six miles south of Jerusalem on a limestone ridge, 2500 feet above sea level. The name in Hebrew means […]

Category Articles
Date December 21, 2007

The obituary of Aldous Huxley’s wife, Laura, was in The Times on Monday, 17 December 2007. It ended with that quotation which Dr. Lloyd-Jones used to such effect showing that man’s abandonment of God inevitably results in losing the meaning of life. Laura had been interviewed by a journalist in 1992 and asked what she […]

Category Articles
Date December 18, 2007

Sometimes, when I wake in the middle of the night, I hear the endless tramp, tramp, tramp of humanity crossing the arches of the years, each rank enjoying the spotlight of prominence, then passing into oblivion. How pathetically incapable we are of keeping our brief candle alight one second beyond its term! How fragile is […]

Category Articles
Date December 14, 2007

‘. . .that they all may be one . . . so that the world may believe that You sent Me.’ John 17:21. Currently the number one, fastest growing website in the United States is, the brainchild of former CBS television producer and graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary Chris Wyatt. Before going to seminary […]

Category Articles
Date December 14, 2007

Lectures on Revivals*, by W B Sprague, is published by the Banner of Truth Trust, and has been reset, updating its appearance from their 1958 edition; the book was first published in 1832. Besides the nine lectures, there is an appendix of nearly 200 pages containing 20 letters from noted divines from whom the author […]

Category Book Reviews
Date December 14, 2007

I praise Thee, Father . . . that Thou didst hide these things from the wise and intelligent and didst reveal them to infants. Matthew 11:25. Katherine Hepburn, the four-time Academy Award winner, was born in Hartford on November 8, 1907, her mother being from the Houghton family of the Corning Glass company, and her […]

Category Articles
Date December 11, 2007

This year is the two hundredth anniversary of the passing of the ‘Act for the Abolition of the Slave Trade’. It was the culmination of a long period of agitation against a trade which ran strongly in the face of every claim that Britain was a Christian nation. Many of the leaders of the campaign […]

Category Articles
Date December 11, 2007

William Still was the pastor of Gilcomston South Church in Aberdeen, Scotland, for nearly fifty-two years. He could remain in that pulpit for so long, according to Sinclair Ferguson, because he ‘seemed to live in the Bible.’ Still preached the Bible, the whole counsel of God, straight through, several times in the course of his […]

Category Book Reviews
Date December 7, 2007

Some selections by Mack Tomlinson of Texas from Rutherford’s The Loveliness of Christ.1 The great Master Gardener, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, in a wonderful providence, with his own hand, planted me here in this part of his vineyard; here I grow and here I will abide till the great Master of the […]

Category Articles
Date December 7, 2007

The Bible is essentially a practical book. Its principles and teachings are never merely academic, philosophical, or speculative, but are always anchored in and aimed at the living God and the daily living of his people. That is one reason why there is so little in the Bible about heaven. The focus of the Word […]

Category Articles
Date December 7, 2007

26 pages, one for each letter of the alphabet, telling very simply, familiar stories from the Bible. Big bold print with illustrations which I loved, drawn with ink and coloured pencil that give a special feel to the pictures. G for Goliath, used on the cover, is a prime example. He is big and fierce […]

Category Book Reviews
Date December 6, 2007

With some illustrations in colour, others in black and white, this book glorifies our Creator God. Big bold words written in rhyme accompany expressive illustrations beautifully drawn in ink and coloured pencil. Based on the Bible telling of the Creation of the World, Alison Brown has drawn a delightful and child friendly portrayal of Genesis […]

Category Book Reviews
Date December 6, 2007

Samuel Rutherford lived and preached in the first half of the seventeenth century and yet his life and work are still held in high regard. First published in this form in 1909 this beautifully presented little book is one to treasure and keep close for referring to continuously. These short pieces taken from Samuel Rutherford’s […]

Category Book Reviews
Date December 6, 2007