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Devotionals: The Valley of Vision

O FATHER, Thou hast made man for the glory of thyself,       and when not an instrument of that glory,       he is a thing of nought; No sin is greater than the sin of unbelief,   for if union with Christ is the greatest good,   unbelief is the greatest sin,   as being cross to thy command; I […]


O GOD, Praise waiteth for thee,       and to render it is my noblest exercise; This is thy due from all thy creatures,   for all thy works display thy attributes     and fulfil thy designs; The sea, dry land, winter cold, summer heat,   morning light, evening shade are full of thee,   and thou givest me them richly […]


BLESSED LORD JESUS, No human mind could conceive or invent         the gospel.       Acting in eternal grace, thou art both   its messenger and its message,   lived out on earth through infinite compassion,   applying thy life to insult, injury, death,   that I might be redeemed, ransomed, freed. Blessed be thou, O Father, for contriving this way, Eternal […]


CREATOR AND REDEEMER GOD, Author of all existence, source of all       blessedness, I adore thee for making me capable of knowing thee,   for giving me reason and conscience,   for leading me to desire thee; I praise thee for the revelation of thyself in     the gospel,   for thy heart as a dwelling place of pity,   for […]


O GOD WHOSE WILL CONQUERS ALL, There is no comfort in anything apart from       enjoying thee   and being engaged in thy service; Thou art All in all, and all enjoyments are what   to me thou makest them, and no more. I am well pleased with thy will, whatever it is,   or should be in all […]


O LORD GOD, WHO INHABITEST ETERNITY, The heavens declare thy glory,       The earth thy riches, The universe is thy temple; Thy presence fills immensity, Yet thou hast of thy pleasure created life,   and communicated happiness; Thou hast made me what I am, and given me   what I have; In thee I live and move and […]


O SON OF GOD AND SON OF MAN, Thou wast incarnate, didst suffer, rise, ascend       for my sake; Thy departure was not a token of separation     but a pledge of return; Thy Word, promises, sacraments, show thy death     until thou come again. That day is no horror to me,   for thy death has redeemed me, […]


O LORD GOD, I pray not so much for graces as for       the Spirit himself,   because I feel his absence,   and act by my own spirit in everything. Give me not weak desires but the power of     his presence,   for this is the surest way to have all his graces,   and when I have the […]


O FOUNTAIN OF ALL GOOD, Destroy in me every lofty thought,       Break pride to pieces and scatter it     to the winds, Annihilate each clinging shred of     self-righteousness, Implant in me true lowliness of spirit, Abase me to self-loathing and self-abhorrence, Open in me a fount of penitential tears, Break me, then bind me up; Thus […]


O GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT, That which I know not, teach thou me, Keep me a humble disciple in the school of Christ, learning daily there what I am in myself, a fallen sinful creature, justly deserving everlasting destruction; O let me never lose sight of my need of a Saviour, or forget that apart […]


O HOLY SPIRIT, As the sun is full of light,         the ocean full of water,       Heaven full of glory, so may my heart be     full of thee. Vain are all divine purposes of love   and the redemption wrought by Jesus   except thou work within,     regenerating by thy power,     giving me eyes to see Jesus,     showing […]


LORD JESUS CHRIST, Fill me with thy Spirit       that I may be occupied with his presence.   I am blind — send him to make me see;   dark — let him say, ‘Let there be light’! May he give me faith to behold   my name engraven in thy hand,   my soul and body redeemed by thy […]


O GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT, Thou who dost proceed from the Father       and the Son,       have mercy on me. When thou didst first hover over chaos,     order came to birth,   beauty robed the world, fruitfulness sprang forth. Move, I pray thee, upon my disordered heart; Take away the infirmities of unruly desires     and hateful lusts; […]


O MY GOD, Thou fairest, greatest, first of all objects,       my heart admires, adores, loves thee,   for my little vessel is as full as it can be,   and I would pour out all that fullness before thee     in ceaseless flow. When I think upon and converse with thee   ten thousand delightful thoughts spring up,   ten […]


MY GOD, Thou hast helped me to see,       that whatever good be in honour and   rejoicing, how good is he who gives them,     and can withdraw them;   that blessedness does not lie so much     in receiving good from and in thee,     but in holding forth thy glory and virtue;   that it is an amazing thing […]
