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Devotionals: The Valley of Vision

MOST HOLY GOD, May the close of an earthly sabbath         remind me that the last of them     will one day end. Animate me with joy that in heaven praise     will never cease,   that adoration will continue for ever,   that no flesh will grow weary,       no congregations disperse,       no affections flag,       no thoughts wander,       no will […]


O LORD GOD, Thou art our Preserver, Governor, Saviour,         and coming Judge. Quieten our souls to call upon thy name; Detach us from the influence of the flesh     and the senses; Impress us with the power of faith; Promote in us spirituality of mind   that will render our services acceptable to thee,   and delightful and […]


O MAKER AND UPHOLDER OF ALL THINGS, Day and night are thine; they are also         mine from thee —   the night to rid me of the cares of the day,       to refresh my weary body,       to renew my natural strength;   the day to summon me to new activities,       to give me opportunity to glorify thee, […]


SUPREME RULER OF THE VISIBLE AND INVISIBLE WORLDS, My heart is drawn out to thee         for thy amazing grace and condescension. Thou hast kept my conversion fresh before me,   that season of my first spiritual comfort     when I passed through the Red Sea     by a way I did not expect. I rejoiced then for that […]


GLORIOUS GOD, It is the flame of my life to worship thee,     the crown and glory of my soul to adore thee,     heavenly pleasure to approach thee. Give me power by thy Spirit to help me     worship now,   that I may forget the world,     be brought into fullness of life,     be refreshed, comforted, blessed. Give […]


REMEMBER, O MY SOUL, It is thy duty and privilege to rejoice in God: He requires it of thee for all his favours of grace. Rejoice then in the Giver and his goodness, Be happy in him, O my heart, and in nothing     but God,   for whatever a man trusts in,   from that he expects […]


FATHER OF MERCIES, Hear me for Jesus’ sake.       I am sinful even in my closest walk         with thee;   it is of thy mercy I died not long ago; Thy grace has given me faith in the cross   by which thou hast reconciled thyself to me     and me to thee,   drawing me by thy great love, […]


LORD JESUS, Give me to love thee, to embrace thee,       though I once took lust and sin in my arms.       Thou didst love me before I loved thee,   an enemy, a sinner, a loathsome worm. Thou didst own me when I disclaimed myself; Thou dost love me as a son,   and weep over me as […]


HEAVENLY FATHER, If I should suffer need, and go unclothed,     and be in poverty,   make my heart prize thy love,   know it, be constrained by it,   though I be denied all blessings. It is thy mercy to afflict and try me with wants,   for by these trials I see my sins,   and desire severance from […]


O LORD, Help me never to expect any happiness       from the world, but only in thee. Let me not think that I shall be more happy     by living to myself,   for I can only be happy if employed for thee,   and if I desire to live in this world   only to do and suffer what […]


MY DEAR LORD I depend wholly upon thee,     wean me from all other dependences. Thou art my all, thou dost overrule all     and delight in me. Thou art the foundation of goodness,   how can I distrust thee?   how be anxious about what happens to me? In the light of thy preciousness   the world and all […]


O GOD OF MY DELIGHT, Thy throne of grace       is the pleasure ground of my soul. Here I obtain mercy in time of need,   here see the smile of thy reconciled face,   here joy pleads the name of Jesus,   here I sharpen the sword of the Spirit,       anoint the shield of faith,       put on the […]


THOU GREAT THREE-ONE, Author of all blessings I enjoy,       of all I hope for, Thou hast taught me   that neither the experience of present evils,   nor the remembrances of former sins,   nor the remonstrances of friends,   will or can affect a sinner’s heart,   except thou vouchsafe to reveal thy grace   and quicken the dead in […]


GRACIOUS GOD, My heart praises thee for the wonder         of thy love in Jesus; He is heaven’s darling, but is for me   the incarnate, despised, rejected,   crucified sin-bearer; In him thy grace has almost out-graced itself, In him thy love to rebels has reached its height; O to love thee with a love like this! […]


HEAVENLY FATHER, Thou hast led me singing to the cross       where I fling down all my burdens         and see them vanish,   where my mountains of guilt are levelled     to a plain,   where my sins disappear, though they are     the greatest that exist,   and are more in number than the grains     of fine sand; For there […]
