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Devotionals: The Valley of Vision

HEAVENLY FATHER, My faith is in thee,         My expectation is from thee,         My love goes out toward thee,   I believe thee,       accept thy Word,       acquiesce in thy will,       rely on thy promises,       trust thy providence. I bless thee that the court of conscience   proves me to be thine. I do not need signs and wonders […]


ELECTOR OF SAINTS, Blessed is the man whom thou choosest       and callest to thyself. With thee is mercy, redemption, assurance,     forgiveness; Thou hast lifted me, a prisoner, out of     the pit of sin   and pronounced my discharge,     not only in the courts of heaven,     but in the dock of conscience;   hast justified me by faith, […]


GRACIOUS LORD, Thy name is love,       in love receive my prayer. My sins are more than the wide sea’s sand,   but where sin abounds,   there is grace more abundant. Look to the cross of thy beloved Son,   and view the preciousness of his atoning blood; Listen to his never-failing intercession,   and whisper to my heart, […]


O MY LORD, Forgive me for serving thee in sinful ways —       by glorying in my own strength,       by forcing myself to minister through         necessity,     by accepting the applause of others,     by trusting in assumed grace       and spiritual affection,     by a faith that rests upon my hold on Christ,       not on him alone,     by having […]


GIVER OF ALL GOOD, Streams upon streams of love overflow my path.       Thou hast made me out of nothing,       hast recalled me from a far country,   hast translated me from ignorance to knowledge,       from darkness to light,       from death to life,       from misery to peace,       from folly to wisdom,       from error to truth,       from sin […]


O GOD, May I never be a blot or a blank in life,         cause the way of truth to be evil spoken of,   or make my liberty an occasion to the flesh. May I by love serve others, and please my neighbour   for his good to edification. May I attend to what is ornamental as […]


O MY SAVIOUR, I thank thee from the depths of my being     for thy wondrous grace and love   in bearing my sin in thine own body on the tree. May thy cross be to me   as the tree that sweetens my bitter Marahs,   as the rod that blossoms with life and beauty,   as the brazen […]


BENIGN LORD, I praise thee continually for permission     to approach thy throne of grace,     and to spread my wants and desires       before thee. I am not worthy of thy blessings and mercies   for I am far gone from original righteousness; My depraved nature reveals itself in disobedience     and rebellion; My early days discovered in me […]


My God, I bless thee that thou hast given me the eye       of faith,   to see thee as Father,   to know thee as a covenant God,   to experience thy love planted in me; For faith is the grace of union   by which I spell out my entitlement to thee: Faith casts my anchor upwards   where […]


HEAVENLY FATHER, Thou hast placed me in the church       which thy Son purchased by his own blood. Add grace to grace that I may live worthy     of my vocation. I am a voyager across life’s ocean; Safe in heaven’s ark, may I pass through     a troubled world   into the harbour of eternal rest. I am […]


O GOD OF GRACE, I bewail my cold, listless, heartless prayers;     their poverty adds sin to sin. If my hope were in them I should be undone, But the worth of Jesus perfumes my feeble     breathings, and wins their acceptance. Deepen my contrition of heart, Confirm my faith in the blood that washes     from all […]


O GOD, THOU ART VERY GREAT, My lot is to approach thee with godly fear         and humble confidence,   for thy condescension equals thy grandeur,   and thy goodness is thy glory. I am unworthy, but thou dost welcome;   guilty, but thou art merciful;   indigent, but thy riches are unsearchable. Thou hast shown boundless compassion towards me […]


BLESSED CREATOR, Thou hast promised thy beloved sleep;       Give me restoring rest needful for   tomorrow’s toil; If dreams be mine,   let them not be tinged with evil. Let thy Spirit make my time of repose   a blessed temple of his holy presence. May my frequent lying down make me familiar     with death,   the bed I […]


O LORD, I bless thee that the issue of the battle       between thyself and Satan         has never been uncertain,         and will end in victory. Calvary broke the dragon’s head,   and I contend with a vanquished foe,     who with all his subtlety and strength     has already been overcome. When I feel the serpent at my heel […]


O LORD GOD, Thou art my protecting arm,       fortress, refuge, shield, buckler. Fight for me and my foes must flee; Uphold me and I cannot fall; Strengthen me and I stand unmoved, unmoveable; Equip me and I shall receive no wound; Stand by me and Satan will depart; Anoint my lips with a song of […]
