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Devotionals: The Valley of Vision

O LORD, When the world’s unbelievers reject thee,       and are so forsaken by thee   that thou callest them no more,   it is to thine own thou dost turn,   for in such seasons of general apostasy   they in some measure backslide with the world. O how free is thy grace   that reminds them of the danger […]


SOVEREIGN COMMANDER OF THE UNIVERSE, I am sadly harassed by doubts, fears, unbelief,     in a felt spiritual darkness. My heart is full of evil surmisings and disquietude,   and I cannot act faith at all. My heavenly Pilot has disappeared,   and I have lost my hold on the Rock of Ages; I sink in deep mire […]


HEAVENLY FATHER, Save me entirely from sin.       I know I am righteous through the       righteousness of another,   but I pant and pine for likeness to thyself; I am thy child and should bear thy image, Enable me to recognize my death unto sin; When it tempts me may I be deaf unto its voice. Deliver […]


O THOU TERRIBLE MEEK, Let not pride swell my heart.       My nature is the mire beneath my feet,       the dust to which I shall return. In body I surpass not the meanest reptile; Whatever difference of form and intellect is mine   is a free grant of thy goodness; Every faculty of mind and body is […]


SOVEREIGN LORD, When clouds of darkness, atheism, and         unbelief come to me, I see thy purpose of love   in withdrawing the Spirit that I might prize     him more,   in chastening me for my confidence in     past successes, that my wound of secret       godlessness might be cured. Help me to humble myself before thee   by seeing […]


O LORD, No day of my life has passed that has not         proved me guilty in thy sight.         Prayers have been uttered from a   prayerless heart; Praise has been often praiseless sound; My best services are filthy rags. Blessed Jesus, let me find a covert in thy appeasing   wounds. Though my sins rise to heaven […]


O HOLY FATHER, thou hast freely given thy Son, O DIVINE SON, thou hast freely paid my debt, O ETERNAL SPIRIT, thou hast freely bid me come, O TRIUNE GOD, thou dost freely grace me with salvation. Prayers and tears could not suffice to pardon       my sins,   nor anything less than atoning blood,   but my […]


O GOD OF UNSEARCHABLE GREATNESS, Before thee I am nothing but vanity, iniquity,       perishing; Sin has forfeited thy favour,   stripped me of thy image,   banished me from thy presence,   exposed me to the curse of thy law; I cannot deliver myself, and am in despair. But a resource is found in thee,   for without my […]


LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, Thou art beforehand with men       for thou hast reconciled thyself to the world     through the cross,     and dost beseech men to accept reconciliation. It is my responsibility to grasp thy overtures of grace,   for if thou, the offended part, act first     with the word of appeasement,   I need not call in question […]


THOU RIGHTEOUS AND HOLY SOVEREIGN, In whose hand is my life and whose are all     my ways, Keep me from fluttering about religion;   fix me firm in it,   for I am irresolute;   my decisions are smoke and vapour,   and I do not glorify thee,   or behave according to thy will; Cut me not off before […]


O LORD, Bend my hands and cut them off,       for I have often struck thee with   a wayward will,   when these fingers should embrace thee by faith. I am not yet weaned from all created glory,   honour, wisdom, and esteem of others,   for I have a secret motive to eye my name     in all I […]


O GOD OF THE HIGHEST HEAVEN, Occupy the throne of my heart,       take full possession and reign supreme,   lay low every rebel lust,   let no vile passion resist thy holy war;   manifest thy mighty power,     and make me thine for ever. Thou art worthy to be   praised with my every breath,   loved with my every […]


LORD JESUS, Give me a deeper repentance,       a horror of sin,       a dread of its approach; Help me chastely to flee it,   and jealously to resolve that my heart     shall be thine alone. Give me a deeper trust,   that I may lose myself to find myself in thee,     the ground of my rest,     the spring […]


LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, I ask not to be enrolled amongst the earthly     great and rich,   but to be numbered with the spiritually blessed. Make it my present, supreme, persevering concern   to obtain those blessings which are     spiritual in their nature,     eternal in their continuance,     satisfying in their possession. Preserve me from a false estimate of […]


O LORD GOD, The first act of calling is by thy command         in thy Word,   ‘Come unto me, return unto me’; The second is to let in light,   so that I see that I am called particularly,   and perceive the sweetness of the command     as well as its truth,   in regard to thy great love […]
