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Resources by Anonymous

Original Editor’s Note: Contributed by a minister to whom many other Christian workers will be grateful for expressing what they have often felt. The man in the pulpit is much more likely to be ill than the man in the pew. As an ordinary mortal and private Christian he is as susceptible to illness as […]

Category Articles
Date June 12, 2023

This review was first published in the 2022 edition of the New Horizons magazine and has been shared with permission. * * * The Lord Jesus once said, ‘every scribe instructed concerning the kingdom of heaven is like a householder who brings out of his treasure things new and old’ (Matt. 13:52). The treasures from […]

Category Book Reviews
Date June 3, 2022

This review was first published in the 2022 edition of the New Horizons magazine and has been shared with permission. * * * In this pamphlet, OPC pastor Jeremiah Montgomery addresses the often vexing issue of assurance of salvation. Having walked the ‘valley of the shadow of doubt’ for more than twenty-five years, his purpose […]

Category Book Reviews
Date May 27, 2022

The problem that confronts us all and dwarfs every other is how are we to bring the Word of God to our generation? If the apostles saw fit to appoint others to serve tables that they might devote themselves ‘continually to prayer and the ministry of the Word,’ it is clear that any ministry which […]

Category Articles
Date January 17, 2020

The man in the pulpit is much more likely to be ill than the man in the pew. As an ordinary mortal and private Christian he is as susceptible to illness as the next man. But a few minutes’ reflection on his work and calling will reveal that what is a possibility in most people […]

Category Articles
Date September 13, 2019

Approximately 150 years ago, Edith Cavell was born in Swardeston, Norfolk, England. The date was December 4, 1865. Throughout the fifty years of Edith Cavell’s life, she was content to be obscure, working hard and living humbly. But these virtues in and of themselves are not enough to make one unique. Surely there have been […]

Category Articles
Date October 12, 2015

The Salisbury Conference will be held, God willing, at Emmanuel Church, Salisbury, Wiltshire from Friday 2nd to Sunday 4th October, 2015. The two speakers will be Rev. William Macleod (Glasgow) and Rev. Maurice Roberts (Inverness). The theme will be ‘Revival’, a subject in which all serious-minded believers would have an interest. There will be four […]

Category Announcements
Date September 14, 2015

The news came to us late last year. A beloved brother and friend in our Hudson Taylor Ministries family in China had passed away. His name was Ma Zhi Jia. We knew him affectionately as ‘Brother Ma’. The news of his death came as a very big surprise to all of us. There were many […]

Category Articles
Date May 6, 2015

Dr. Valerie Young (Knowlton) Murray, died Aug. 8, 2014, at her home in Freeport, Maine. Born on Jan. 9, 1927, in Augusta, to Cecil Knowlton and Ida Muriel (Young) Knowlton. Along with her mother, she lived with her grandparents, Daniel S. Young, Jr., and Maud Young, who raised her and her sister Patricia. She was […]

Category Announcements
Date August 15, 2014

The long wait is over. The 24th Pastors’ Conference proved to be a blessed time. Once again the Lord has proven that his grace is truly sufficient. Pastors and church workers from all over the Philippines (Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao) attended. The work of reformation expands each year we hold this conference. February 4, Tuesday. […]

Category Articles
Date February 26, 2014

Paul and the Law: Keeping the Commandments of God Brian S. Rosner, Principal of Ridley Melbourne, delivered the inaugural Leon Morris Memorial Lecture on 27 June at the College, where Leon Morris had been Principal from 1964 to 1979. Fittingly, the lecture brought resolution to what some have seen as a conflict between Law and […]

Category Articles
Date July 7, 2013

This is an extract from a Roundtable Discussion involving some of the faculty of Calvin Seminary: Darwin Glassford – professor of Church Education, Howard Vanderwell – Adjunct Professor of Worship, and John Witvliet – Professor of Worship. CHAIRMAN:  Parents may be wondering, ‘Will our children have faith?’ What encouragement would you give to parents in […]

Category Articles
Date July 5, 2013

A report given at the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland, May 2013. China is a vast country, and a country of vast contrasts. There are peasant farmers and billionaire IT entrepreneurs; sophisticated Shanghai and the wilds of the Gobi desert; there are Buddhists, Daoists, Christians, Muslims, and those who follow no formal […]

Category Articles
Date June 28, 2013

Dr Palmer Robertson is a much appreciated speaker at Banner of Truth Ministers’ conferences and an author whose works the Trust publishes.1 Now he is settled for the next four months [May-August 2012] in a sabbatical spent in England, which is the home of his wife Joanna. Since 1992 he has been lecturing and preaching […]

Category Articles
Date May 8, 2012

Paul Wolfe is a new author on the British scene who deserves to be read. He came close to never writing at all. At only 28 years old, newly married, he was diagnosed with cancer. He was studying for the ministry at Westminster Theological Seminary, and to use his phrase, had his life all scripted […]

Category Book Reviews
Date March 1, 2012