April 2021

Magazine Issue 691

Price £1.85

Weight .05 kg
Dimensions 21.2 × 13.9 × .2 cm

Table of Contents

  • So Many, So Few — Ian Hamilton
  • Grace Upon Grace! How the Puritans have helped us through trial — Ben Messer
  • Precious But Flawed: A Review Article — Jeremy Walker
  • Geoffrey B. Wilson, 1929-2021 — Sarah Groom
  • Weekly Sermon Preparation: Advice and Caution for a New Pastor — Daniel Gumprecht
  • On Weariness — Alison Umpleby
  • Christ’s Love for Us Sinners — Maurice Roberts
  • My Five ‘Must Read’ Books — Rebecca VanDoodewaard
  • News and Comment
  • Lessons from the Life of Amy Carmichael – Part 2 — Ian Hamilton
  • A Personal Appreciation of David Dickson’s Psalms Commentary (illustrated from Psalm 47) — Christopher Ash
  • Book Reviews


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