Originally published: 1899

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Cover image of Alexander Moody Stuart: A Memoir
price From: £10.00
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NEW RELEASE Book Description Many twenty-first-century Christians ‌still read the works and love the memory of the remarkable Scottish brotherhood that included Robert Murray M‘Cheyne and Andrew and Horatius Bonar. But the name of Alexander Moody Stuart (1809–98), whom they all esteemed so much, has been forgotten. Yet it took only one encounter with his […]


Theodore Beza

The Counsellor of the French Reformation


price From: £10.00


Book Description Theodore Beza’s course of activity was, in the words of the author, ‘long and brilliant.’ He presided over the Reformed church in the French-speaking countries of Europe for many years, and was its recognized counsellor and leader in times of peril. His friendship with John Calvin, and also with the French king, Henry […]

Memoirs Of Thomas Boston
price £14.00


From his deep Christian experience, Boston gave the church one of its most enduring spiritual autobiographies. 576pp.

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