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Tag Archives: Puritan Works

It has often been said: if you wish to start reading the Puritans, begin with Sibbes – the point being that he is simple and direct. (Others may suggest Watson or Swinnock.) Richard Sibbes (1577-1635), ‘the heavenly doctor,’ was one of the foremost among Puritan preachers and divines.The Love of Christ was first published under […]

Category Book Reviews
Date March 2, 2012

Almost ten years ago J. I. Packer‘s collection of articles and essays on the Puritans appeared, entitled in Great Britain, Among God’s Giants (Kingsway Publications, 447 pages). Many of the papers had been given at the Puritan Conference, and there were a number of other articles, not readily available to us before the appearance of […]

Category Articles
Date January 1, 2000