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Tag Archives: Robert Murray M’Cheyne

A lecture given at Bethlehem Evangelical Church, Port Talbot, Wales on Thursday 28 March, 2013. The centenary of a birth, a death or some great event does not need much justification in order for it to be celebrated. If I were giving this lecture a year from now I would certainly choose as my subject […]

Category Articles
Date April 5, 2013

ROBERT MURRAY M’CHEYNE: MINISTER OF ST. PETER’S, DUNDEE, 1836 – 1843. THE ONLY POWER THAT CAN BRING A CHILD OF SATAN AND MAKE HIM A CHILD OF GOD, IS GOD HIMSELF. Two men were working beside a fire in a quarry, one day in winter, when a stranger approached them on horseback. Alighting from his […]

Category Articles
Date November 12, 2001