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Yearly Archives: 2003

A prominent radio preacher frequently makes the statement that 85% of the people never darken a church door. Just could be that they’ve been starved out. Tell me now, how long is it since you preached a sermon on the Sovereignty of God, the Majesty of God, the Holiness of God, the Justice of God, […]

Category Articles
Date October 9, 2003

Recently I travelled to New England to preach, and on the Friday my host pastor graciously drove me to New Haven, CT and the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale University. We spent a glorious afternoon poring over selected manuscripts of Jonathan Edwards. Imagine the fascination of opening archive boxes, turning back the […]

Category Articles
Date October 9, 2003

Our last visit (writes Roger J. Weil, the Secretary of the Slav Lands Christian Fellowship) to Pastor Yuri Poltavets and his wife Larissa in Labitnangi, Siberia, was two years ago. They have served the Lord here for twelve years since coming on the original ‘Mission to Siberia’ in 1991. Seeing the response of the people […]

Category Articles
Date October 9, 2003

  THE WRATH OF GOD IS REVEALED AGAINST ALLUNGODLINESS OF MEN. I want to talk to you about God and his character. I want to show you one truthabout him, that he hates evil in every form – greed, lust, violence, falsehoodand so on – everything that is not 100% straight. God created a world […]

Category Articles
Date October 7, 2003

  Ezekiel 33:11 "Say to them, ‘As surely as I live, declares the SovereignLord, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked. but rather that they turnfrom their ways and live. Turn! Turn from your evil ways! Why will you die, Ohouse of Israel.’" What urgency we meet in this 33rd chapter of […]

Category Articles
Date October 7, 2003

  Matthew 13:44 "The kingdom of God islike treasure hidden in a field . . ." Before I was converted one thing that I remember as standing out is this, thatI didn’t know how to enjoy myself. There was a shortfall in the joy department.Here in Matthew’s gospel is a man spoken of by the […]

Category Articles
Date October 7, 2003

  Peter Milsom of Newport preached on Acts 16:28 "Believe on the LordJesus and thou shalt be saved," announcing that here was the best news,and stated so simply. It declares that God is passionately committed to theword of God being preached. So he calls Paul by a special means to enter Europewith the gospel of […]

Category Articles
Date October 2, 2003

CONFERENCE ADDRESS ONE Sometimes we use words and concepts without pausing and considering what thesephrases mean. For example, the word ‘grace’, or the word ‘faith’. What is it?29 years ago I was going off to study for the ministry under one older pastor.He gave me the initial task of writing a short essay entitled  "What […]

Category Articles
Date October 2, 2003

  Text: John 9:1 "As Jesus passed byhe saw a man who was blind from birth." This event occurred 2000years ago, Jesus saw this particular man. If we are in Christian service of onekind or another, whatever kind it is, there is one essential characteristic forvital involvement in gospel work, to see people in the […]

Category Articles
Date October 2, 2003

(An account of a sermon preached in SanDiego at the Banner of Truth ministers’ Conference) by John Marshall In the climactic third scene of the narrative of Jacob’s return from Paddam Aram to the Promised Land is the account of Jacob’s reconciliation with his brother, Esau. This is the climax of the incident. We might […]

Category Articles
Date September 29, 2003

by Geoff Thomas   The annual Aberystwyth Conference of the Evangelical Movement of Waleshas taken place in the second week of August for almost fifty years, and it isa peak of the year’s Christian teaching, fellowship and outreach into the townfor local Christians. The meetings from the Monday are held in the Great Hallof the […]

Category Articles
Date September 29, 2003

In the life of faith, what ultimately matters is not how well you begin, buthow well you end. The history of the church from the days of Adam is litteredwith the sad wreckage of men and women who, for a time, appeared to be trueChristians. They spoke like Christians, worshiped like Christians, witnessedlike Christians and […]

Category Articles
Date September 29, 2003

  Omri Jenkins was born on June 16 1915 and died onSeptember 2, 2003. He was born in Llandybie, Carmarthenshire, a small villagein southwest Wales. His parents were converted during the 1904 Revival and hewas named after a respected evangelist. His early years were spent in thePentecostal fellowship which they attended. The Apostolic Church was […]

Category Articles
Date September 29, 2003

As a model of ministerial faithfulness, heavenly-mindedness and self-effacing humility, he had few equals and perhaps no superiors. by John M. Brentnall This year marks the tercentenary of the birth of Jonathan Edwards on October 5, 1703. While we wish to take nothing from Him who declares: "I will not give my glory to another […]

Category Articles
Date August 29, 2003

It was the conjunction of these two factors – the searching nature of Christ’s dealings with us and the high standard of Christian character required of us by God – that produced in Dr Duncan a self-knowledge rarely surpassed in Christian biography by John M. Brentnall (A lecture delivered by John M Brentnall at a […]

Category Articles
Date August 29, 2003

In the first place, Scripture clearly teaches us that neither we nor our services are acceptable to God. To the most religious people in the world at that time God said: Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto me; the new moons and Sabbaths, the calling of assemblies. by John M. Brentnall […]

Category Articles
Date August 29, 2003

It is a great attainment to lie passive in God’s hands, and know no will but His. [Of all the Reformed writers in the 19th century, none was more doctrinally sound, experientially searching and practically realistic than William S. Plumer (1802-1880). A graduate of Old Princeton, Plumer was widely known as pre-eminently a preacher of […]

Category Articles
Date August 21, 2003

it is argued that if God’s redeeming purpose is universal in scope, why should we any longer accept Christianity’s arrogant claim to be the one true religion? by John M. Brentnall From time to time the question is asked as to how many shall be saved. Shall all, regardless of their creed, worship, character and […]

Category Articles
Date August 21, 2003

This new movement has forged yet another idol out of the warped imagination of man, for it posits a god who neither fore-knows the future nor fore-ordains it by John M. Brentnall Professor Watt of Belfast used to say that the Reformation took place without the help of Arminianism, and that when it eventually entered […]

Category Articles
Date August 21, 2003

Instead of rejoicing, our Lord broke out with violent weeping and He tells us why. It is because of things He knew. by Ian Hamilton The Church of Christ is full of unsung heroes. They do not, on the whole, possess the kind of spiritual gifts that get them noticed and give them a" name". […]

Category Articles
Date August 15, 2003

Instead of rejoicing, our Lord broke out with violent weeping and He tells us why. It is because of things He knew. A Sermon of Maurice Roberts Reading: Leviticus 24: 10-23 "And when he was come near, he beheld the city, and wept over it, Saying, If thou hadst known, even thou, at least in […]

Category Articles
Date August 15, 2003

If Saul the blasphemer could be welcome at the Lord’s Table, so can you and I. by William Smith Reading: Leviticus 24: 10-23 After Job lost his wealth, his children, and his own health, his wife advised him: "Curse God and die" (Job 2:9). In a curious way, it was not bad advice to give […]

Category Articles
Date August 15, 2003

After the debate, President Joseph Pipa asked the audience how many there who had come to the debate wondering about the issue, had been swayed to lean in one direction or another as a result of the debate. Several dozen hands went up. When he asked how many had been absolutely persuaded as a result […]

Category Articles
Date August 12, 2003

One way that we can step out of our own world and out of our own prejudices is to step over into the world of the fathers. This is one excellent way of testing ourselves. At the annual Greenville Theological Seminary Conference in Taylors, South Carolina on March 12, 2003 Dr. Joseph Pipa in introducing […]

Category Articles
Date August 12, 2003

It seems that especially at times of "new beginnings" the LORD shows the reality of His judgment to His people that they may fear Him. by William Smith Text: Leviticus 10: 1-7 One of the things I most look forward to, if the Lord wills, is attending my son Jeremy’s ordination to the ministry. I […]

Category Articles
Date August 12, 2003