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Yearly Archives: 2004

At the London Westminster Conference in December the last of the series of lectures and special meetings that has characterised this centenary year of the Welsh revival of 1904 was given by Stephen Clarke of Bridgend. Evan Roberts was born near Swansea in 1878 the ninth of the fourteen children of Henry Roberts. At twelve […]

Category Articles
Date December 22, 2004

Dafydd Morris, the pastor of the Evangelical Church in Carmarthen, gave the final address at the Westminster Conference in London in 2004 on Seth Joshua, the Welsh evangelist who died in 1924. It was through the influence of a preacher called John Pugh that Seth Joshua’s ministry was shaped. John Pugh had become the minister […]

Category Articles
Date December 22, 2004

At the Westminster Conference in London December 2004 Austin Walker, co-pastor alongside his son of the Maidenbower Baptist Church in Crawley, Sussex, gave a paper on Benjamin Keach. He is the most qualified man in the world to deliver such a paper as he has written the first full length book of 423 pages on […]

Category Articles
Date December 22, 2004

Rev. Robert Strivens of Banbury spoke at the 2004 Westminster Conference on “Sandemanianism Then and Now.” All I know about this movement is from the paper Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones gave 35 years ago on Sandemanianism at this Conference. I talked with Robert Strivens before he gave the paper and asked him whether Dr Lloyd-Jones had […]

Category Articles
Date December 17, 2004

The second paper at the Westminster Conference in London in December 2004 was given by Dr Robert Oliver of Bradford on Avon Old Baptist Church, and lecturer in Church History at the London Theological Seminary. The paper was on the 400th anniversary of the Hampton Court Conference of 1604. When James VI of Scotland became […]

Category Articles
Date December 17, 2004

Dr. Joel Beeke of Grand Rapids gave the opening paper to 200 men at the Westminster Conference in London 7th December. His subject was the early Cambridge Puritan, William Perkins on the theme of how a man may know whether or not he is a Christian. The first volume of Perkins’ Works will appear in […]

Category Articles
Date December 17, 2004

In the affluent West, it is quite common for young Christians to pay thousands of dollars or pounds each year to attend Bible College or seminary. But in China the continuing poverty of many rural believers means that going to Bible College is an impossible dream. According to information from the China Christian Council most […]

Category Articles
Date December 14, 2004

All the evangelical clichés about the supreme authority of the Bible count for nothing if our services are allowed to become entertainment, if the great doctrinal psalms and hymns are being replaced by subjective ditties sung over and over again to some impossibly jerking melodies with no recognisable metre. Singing great hymns has been one […]

Category Articles
Date December 14, 2004

The Calvin Theological Journal appears twice a year (Calvin Theological Seminary, 3233 Burton Street SE, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49546-4387, USA: edited by Lyle D. Bierma, for $23 a year. It can be ordered on line In the current November 2004 edition is the following review which many will find fascinating. It is reprinted here […]

Category Articles
Date December 9, 2004

It was my great privilege to spend the period November 5th-11th, 2004, in Africa’s most populous country, Nigeria, chiefly in the City of Port Harcourt, capital of Rivers State. I was there at the invitation of Pastor Ani Ekpo, minister of the Reformed Baptist Church there, preaching on the Lord’s Day and speaking over the […]

Category Articles
Date December 8, 2004

During the week ending 20 November 2004 Dan Brown’s paperback novel, “The Da Vinci Code” sold 40,274 copies in Britain alone. It was the best-selling book in Britain, as it has been for the past few months. In less than two years it has sold perhaps nine million copies. One explanation for its popularity is […]

Category Articles
Date November 30, 2004

On May 31 of this year, the day set aside to remember those who have died in service to the United States of America, Ernest C. Reisinger went to be with his Lord. In the language of Pilgrims’ Progress,which he often quoted, he finally crossed that “river that has no bridge.” Ernie was born November […]

Category Articles
Date November 30, 2004

Dr. W. Robert Godfrey is well known as a very articulate spokesman for the Reformed faith. He has taught church history for about three decades on the campuses of both Westminster seminaries (Philadelphia and Escondido, California). He is currently president of Westminster Seminary in California as well as an associate pastor of the Escondido United […]

Category Articles
Date November 26, 2004

An Interview with Dr. George Knight By Byron Snapp, Editor of the Presbyterian Witness, Hampton, Virginia Dr. George Knight lectures in the Greenville Seminary and is the author of a commentary on the Pastoral Epistles. Q.Why is women’s role in church leadership continually pushed, even in some Reformed churches? A.Reasons may vary in each case. […]

Category Articles
Date November 26, 2004

Church reformation according to Scripture is always incomplete on earth. Ecclesia reformata reformanda est (“The church, having been reformed, is still to be reformed”). This follows from the fact that Scripture is an absolute and perfect standard, while the church at any point in its history on earth is still imperfect and involved in sin […]

Category Articles
Date November 24, 2004

Dr. Bill Frist is an evangelical Presbyterian, the Senate Majority leader in Washington, an elder in a gospel church and an internationally acclaimed surgeon. He made the following speech in the United States Senate debate on the issue of banning partial-birth abortion. The speech was so powerful that the Senate voted 64 votes to 43 […]

Category Articles
Date November 24, 2004

The first Psalm declares to us that the way of blessing is found by a person’s delighting in the law of the Lord (Ps. 1:2). In the long Psalm, the writer declares: “O, how I love Thy law! It is my meditation all the day.” (Ps. 119:97). Yet, an increasing number of pastors in our […]

Category Articles
Date November 23, 2004

About a dozen young men stood by a bus stop. A spirit of excitement was very evident. Where were they going? To a football match perhaps? Not at all. They were on their way to listen to preaching. The young men were students at the Baptist College, and this evening’s business was a tremendous event […]

Category Articles
Date November 19, 2004

A letter in the Times (7/10/04) From Ms Alison Davis Sir; Mr Tim Beresford (letter, October 2) says that those who argue against euthanasia believe that doctors will not be able to resist killing their patients, and that there is “nothing worse than being dead”. I have several severe disabilities and use a wheelchair full […]

Category Articles
Date November 19, 2004

“Preaching & Preachers” is a new 12 page magazine launched by its editors Martin Holdt and Johann Odenhaal and Dereck Stone in South Africa (Address PO Box 33335, Glenstantia 0010, South Africa). The following is a brief interview with Brian Edwards: P&P: Brian, for how many years have you been preaching and how have your […]

Category Articles
Date November 19, 2004

That was just one of the comments about the recent “God’s Glory – Our Joy” conference, held this year at Calvary Church Liverpool on the weekend of 16th and 17th October. To be a grown up Christian though, does not depend on how old you are. But it has a lot to do with your […]

Category Articles
Date November 12, 2004

A public debate organised by the Evangelical Alliance took place on 7 October in Emmanuel Centre, London following strong criticism from Christians of Steve Chalke’s book, “The Lost Message of Jesus” (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2003). 600 people attended, indicating the strength of feeling that the book’s message had aroused. Steve Chalke’s supporters laughed at his […]

Category Articles
Date November 8, 2004

I was sitting in the pulpit of a little hall in County Antrim, and the fresh-faced, smiling young man who was convening the service had just risen to his feet. “Now somebody must have a favourite!” I cringed, and hoped that nobody in the congregation noticed my discomfort, as the lady at the back shouted […]

Category Articles
Date November 8, 2004

Often church officers will make inquiries as to what kind of questions they should ask prospective pastors who are ‘candidating’ in their congregations. It is an important matter. As in all things, we don’t have because we don’t ask. When they meet with the man the officers should be gentle and kindly above everything else. […]

Category Articles
Date November 8, 2004

There are approximately 40 million people living in South Africa. There are nine official languages, which makes communication somewhat difficult, but the use of English is on the ascendancy. MY MINISTRY AT CONSTANTIA PARK BAPTIST CHURCH, PRETORIA We have six elders and six deacons. There are three Sunday services, two of which are in the […]

Category Articles
Date November 8, 2004