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Yearly Archives: 2004

Love Is A Duty We had been counselling with them for three months, meeting every other week, praying and conversing with them, giving them homework to do together. Baruch was doing the counselling, with Sasha sitting in as an intern and learning from what he saw. The husband was the one who initiated the process: […]

Category Articles
Date March 18, 2004

Gospel Reading: Mark 2:23 – 3:6 I read this past week about an interesting decision of an Appeals Court in Mississippi. A man, his girlfriend, and family members were having a barbeque at a cabin in the woods. All were drinking alcoholic beverages. The man’s girlfriend became violently ill. They called 911, but after waiting […]

Category Articles
Date March 18, 2004

During Samuel Rutherford’s time in London, where he was a delegate from the Church of Scotland at the Westminster Assembly, two children from his second marriage died. He wrote sorrowfully of this to another bereaved parent: "I was in your condition; I had but two children, and both are dead since I came hither … […]

Category Articles
Date March 18, 2004

Gospel Reading and Text: Mark 3:22-30Epistle Reading: Hebrews 6:1-9If you blaspheme my name, you may irritate me or may make me depressed. But you probably won’t provoke a full-fledged counterattack to defend myself. If you slander my friend, or my relatives, or my children, you will probably get a somewhat stronger reaction from me. When […]

Category Articles
Date March 18, 2004

I join the many who are thanking God and congratulating you on eightieth birthday. Our Lord has been most gracious to you and to His Church in sparing you these many years. Your service as Professor of Theology in two seminaries, as Stated Clerk and Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in […]

Category Articles
Date March 9, 2004

A review of R. T. Kendall, In Pursuit of His Glory: My 25 Years at Westminster Chapel (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 2002). Iain H. Murray In the past quarter-century, Westminster Chapel, London, has been through seismic change. Either from personal experience of what it was, or from the reading of Lloyd-Jones’ literature, there are many […]

Category Articles
Date March 4, 2004

The recent post on the Presbyterian Church of America regarding a preacher who got into trouble for the length of his hair and the Hawaiian shirts he wore in the pulpit, brought to mind a story that has been circulating on the Internet for awhile. I think I have a little credibility to speak […]

Category Articles
Date March 4, 2004

Gospel Reading: Mark 3: 7-21There are three groups of people who can make a great impact on our lives. There are our foes. Not everyone has an enemy, or enemies, but if you do, you know that your enemy is against you. He does not wish you well, but will, if he has the chance, […]

Category Articles
Date March 4, 2004

Many things that are not wrong, but, in fact, good in themselves are inappropriate at some times and in certain circumstances. You don’t wear a white dress to a funeral or a black one to a wedding. You don’t act rowdy at church and you don’t act reverent at a football game. You don’t give […]

Category Articles
Date March 1, 2004

Every conceivable grace and virtue can be found this very moment in a limitless supply in the Son of God. All fullness dwells in the God-man. The believer will find in him love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, self-control and every other virtue you can imagine, and many we can’t. You will find […]

Category Articles
Date March 1, 2004

by James C. Goodloe IV and Robert W. Patterson “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for […]

Category Articles
Date March 1, 2004

At a recent Wednesday night adult Christian Education Class, the elder leading the study played for us a recorded sermon on Romans 6:11 preached on a Friday night in December 1958 by Martyn Lloyd-Jones. We were surprised and amused to hear at one point Dr. Lloyd-Jones mention that their Friday night series would be suspended […]

Category Articles
Date February 19, 2004

As Christian believers we face all the challenges of this life in Christ, that is, as joined to him and his illimitable resources. It is as those plugged into the Son of God that we face every obligation God lays upon us. We must endure the sufferings of this present time. We must resist the […]

Category Articles
Date February 19, 2004

On February 25, 2004 Icon films, will be releasing Mel Gibson’s much anticipated film The Passion of the Christ. The date of the release was deliberately chosen to coincide with the Roman Catholic holy day of Ash Wednesday, and is indicative of the fact that for Gibson, his film was more of a work of […]

Category Articles
Date February 19, 2004

Continued from Part I of this article. So ask yourself, What are the critics saying that might help me improve myself and my ministry? Is there a kernel of truth in this particular criticism that, if changes are made, will make me a better minister? If critics say something constructive, absorb it, confess your fault, […]

Category Articles
Date February 16, 2004

Paul’s farewell message to the Ephesian elders (Acts 20:18-35) is warmly affectionate, yet full of solemn warning. Acts 20:28 is the heart of that message, and shows how we ministers must overcome wrong attitudes toward ministry with regard to ourselves and to our work. Acts 20:28 says, “Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all […]

Category Articles
Date February 16, 2004

William Beveridge, a theologian from the 19th century, said these words near the end of his life: “The older I grow – and I now stand upon the brink of eternity – the more comes back to me the first sentence in the Catechism which I learned when a child, and the fuller and deeper […]

Category Articles
Date February 16, 2004

Brian Robinson Pastor of Faith Baptist Church, Scarborough, Ontario I was having a cup of coffee, and an early morning read of the national newspaper, before heading for the study, when I happened to glance out of our kitchen window. ‘What is this?’, I thought, ‘a sign on my neighbour’s lawn bearing happy smiling faces?’ […]

Category Articles
Date February 16, 2004

When I was in my first months of campus ministry, two young men came to my house one night to tell me that a student was pregnant and was going the next morning with her boyfriend to New Orleans for an abortion. To make a long story short she ended up not having the abortion. […]

Category Articles
Date February 16, 2004

Continued from Part I Others destroy their souls with false religions, humanism, New Age philosophies, evolutionism, the cults, and all the inventions of men that exalt man and have no place for the saving work of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. They are all soul-killers. It is not enough that you are sincere. It […]

Category Articles
Date February 13, 2004

Mark 8:36&37 “What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?” There was an occasion on which John Bunyan, the author of Pilgrim’s Progress, was preaching at Pinner’s Hall, London. Whenever it was announced that Bunyan was […]

Category Articles
Date February 13, 2004

This sounds so simple. In principle it is. But in practice we sinners are wired to trust in means, not God. Over and over I devise plans, and then find my initial enthusiasm rise or fall as the plan seems smart or not. This is trust in plans, not trust in God. There is no […]

Category Articles
Date February 13, 2004

When our Lord Jesus came to the tomb where Lazarus lay dead, he wept. Our Lord knew better than anyone that God is sovereign. He knew that Lazarus’ death was not an unfortunate happenstance, but part of God’s sovereign plan. He knew that everything God does is good and right. But when he came to […]

Category Articles
Date February 13, 2004

Malcolm H. Watts of Emmanuel Church, Salisbury Chairman of the General Committee of the Trinitarian Bible Society According to Acts 11.26 ‘the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch’ and this would have been about AD 43, some ten years or so after the Lord Jesus left this world. What the Bible does not tell […]

Category Articles
Date February 13, 2004

Preaching in Grace and Truth Church was a new experience. It was helpful to have been teaching a number of hours prior to preaching. When speaking with an interpreter, ideas must be broken into smaller sentences. I speak to them in English, the words are repeated in Hebrew, then in Russian (Signing is going on […]

Category Articles
Date February 5, 2004