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Yearly Archives: 2011

In John 15 the Lord Jesus Christ explains to us that Christians are united to him in a spiritual union. Our Lord uses the illustration of a vine and its branches. The Lord supplies to all believers the grace of his Holy Spirit. This, like the sap, is the source of all the ‘fruit’ which […]

Category Articles
Date November 4, 2011

And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved (Acts 4:12). In our pluralistic, post-modern, western world few things irk people more than the gospel message of exclusivity. After all, absolute truth statements have caused major […]

Category Articles
Date November 1, 2011

‘And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me’ (Psa. 50:15). The following account is a true incident in ‘the Battle of the Java Sea’ (27th February to 1st March 1942) in the experiences of Victor Hannaford, of Plymouth, England. ‘Abandon Ship!’ – the Captain issued […]

Category Articles
Date November 1, 2011

It is beyond question that God wants ‘clean hands and a pure heart.’ What God desires is not one or the other, but both – doing the right thing for right motives. However, when we do what is as right as best we know it with as sincere hearts as we are able, we, our […]

Category Articles
Date October 28, 2011

Voice of Nonconformity: William Robertson Nicoll and the British Weekly Keith Ives Cambridge: Lutterworth, 2011 255pp. paperback, £23 ISBN: 978 0 71889 222 7 This engaging and important book is essential reading for an understanding of how once-powerful English Nonconformity and Scottish Presbyterianism became as feeble as they are today. W. Robertson Nicoll, founder and […]

Category Book Reviews
Date October 28, 2011

Cursed be the one who does the Lord’s work negligently, and cursed be the one who restrains his sword from blood (Jeremiah 48:10). Jehovah speaks through Jeremiah the prophet to Moab, a wicked idolatrous nation to the east of Israel, which had a long history of causing God’s people trouble. He pronounces woes upon them, […]

Category Articles
Date October 25, 2011

Joel Beeke, what three books have been most helpful to you as a Christian and as a minister? The first book that comes to mind is the Letters of Samuel Rutherford, which I kept on my nightstand for decades. Whenever I was discouraged, I would sweeten my mind with a morsel of Rutherford before I […]

Category Articles
Date October 21, 2011

John Colquhoun, the author of Repentance was born in 1748 and after his conversion felt called to the ministry. He was eventually ordained in 1781 and became minister of the New Church in South Leith, Edinburgh, remaining there until a year before his death in 1827. Thomas Boston’s writings were to be a very great […]

Category Book Reviews
Date October 21, 2011

Thomas Brooks’ book of this name was first published in 1652 and was then reprinted with various corrections and enlargements over the following years. Alexander B. Grosart used the edition of 1676 as the basis for his reissue in 1866 and this is the one that Banner of Truth reprinted in 1980.2 Thomas Brooks was […]

Category Book Reviews
Date October 18, 2011

There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1). Paul’s marvellous proclamation is most often terribly misunderstood. I have been guilty of misunderstanding it myself. Romans 8 is not grounded in justification but sanctification. (If you would rather not follow this technical language then skip down to paragraph three). […]

Category Articles
Date October 18, 2011

My brethren, if any among you strays from the truth . . . (James 5:19). Perhaps you have a loved one who has left the faith. You are fearful, anxious, hurt, dismayed, and perhaps even angry. What can I write from God’s Word to encourage you? Why does this happen? What should you do? How […]

Category Articles
Date October 7, 2011

The young pastor smiles with joy as he looks out at the pews crowded with a rainbow of pastel-coloured button-ups and Easter dresses. He is encouraged to speak to a packed audience and hopes to preach the gospel to the several unbelievers who were invited by a few faithful church members. However, the large majority […]

Author ,
Category Book Reviews
Date October 7, 2011

This is a fascinating selection of the writings of the great Scottish reformer John Knox first published in 1845. The text is unabridged and unaltered except that the spelling has been updated. Covering the period 1554 to 1558 the book includes 15 personal letters, 2 sermons, an exposition of Psalm 6 and a number of […]

Category Book Reviews
Date October 5, 2011

The word Puritan was originally a nickname, applied to those who, in the late sixteenth century, were anxious to have the Church in England further purified, in the light of Scripture. The name continued to be applied to their spiritual successors down to the end of the following century; among the best known of them […]

Category Articles
Date October 4, 2011

A musical celebrity once visited our school. The girls listened spellbound to her talented performance. Then as the final applause died away there was a sudden rush towards the platform as dozens of us swarmed forward, autograph books opened, anxious to obtain the signature of so notable and gifted a musician. At that same moment […]

Category Articles
Date September 30, 2011

Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals1, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor slanderers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God. (1 Corinthians 6:9b-10.) A professing Christian husband and father leaves his wife of thirty years for a young woman the age of his daughter. […]

Category Articles
Date September 27, 2011

Paul must have been an unsettling companion. For Paul, the Christian life could never be lived with half measures. He was an all or nothing man. The gospel of God’s grace in Christ had not only captured him, it had captivated him. He counted everything (yes, everything) as loss ‘because of the surpassing worth of […]

Category Articles
Date September 27, 2011

C H Spurgeon wrote that the Puritan Richard Sibbes ‘never wastes the student’s time. He scatters pearls and diamonds with both hands.’ This book is no exception – there is treasure on every page. This series of four sermons is based on the words of the prophetess Huldah addressed to King Josiah as found in […]

Category Book Reviews
Date September 26, 2011

In his address to the 1960 Synod, ‘John Knox: Central Figure of the Reformation’, Rev J P MacQueen said:1 It is to be feared that his reputation as one of the most powerful and eloquent preachers of his day, with the fruit of widespread revivals, the edification, comfort and establishment of believers, and the salvation […]

Category Articles
Date September 23, 2011

I spoke on the phone yesterday with a south London vicar whose parish had been hit by rioters. Actually, ‘rioters’ is not quite the word. The disorders straight after the death of Mark Duggan may have been riots with the associations of protest that brings, but by now a better word than rioters is looters, […]

Category Articles
Date September 23, 2011

At my first defence no one came to stand by me, but all deserted me. May it not be charged against them! But the Lord stood by me and strengthened me, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. So I was rescued from the lion’s […]

Category Articles
Date September 16, 2011

A sermon preached in the chapel of Princeton Theological Seminary, on Sunday morning, March 10, 1929 by Rev. Professor J. Gresham Machen, D.D., Litt.D. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (Phil. 4:7) Fight the good fight of faith. (1 Tim. 6:12 [part]) The […]

Category Articles
Date September 16, 2011

‘Murray’s engaging biography paints an endearing portrait of the well-known Southern California pastor . . . In these days of trendy, self-promoting, culture-infatuated, success-driven preachers, John MacArthur Jr.’s steadfast confidence in the power of God’s Word is a tremendous model to ministers and churches everywhere . . . yet another outstanding biography from one of […]

Category Book Reviews
Date September 6, 2011

The first meeting our church had more than thirty years ago was a Saturday night prayer meeting. A core group of several individuals met to pray for the infant mission work that was in due time to become Immanuel Presbyterian Church. Yet, the group prayed not only for embryonic Immanuel but also for their brethren […]

Category Articles
Date September 2, 2011

Deuteronomy 29:29 The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children for ever, that we may follow all the words of this law. In this chapter God is reminding the people that they are in covenant with him. He is their God and they […]

Category Articles
Date August 26, 2011