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Yearly Archives: 2021

Perhaps you have been disappointed and distressed by tales in the past year of men, often prominent men, who have departed from the faith. Some have drifted from the truth, others have given themselves to particular sins, several have adopted crass fads and carnal fashions. In some cases, you were sadly unsurprised. In others, you […]

Category Articles
Date December 27, 2021

As Machen lay dying on New Year’s Eve, 1936, he wasn’t thinking about any of his many and considerable achievements throughout his life. He dictated a telegram to his colleague John Murray in which his last words are recorded, ‘I’m so thankful for [the] active obedience of Christ. No hope without it.’

Category Articles
Date December 22, 2021

Picture life as a journey, a journey from birth to death. We are born, we live, and we die. That’s how it was for Jesus. Life was a journey for him too. When he made our nature his own, he made our journey his own as well. At both the beginning and the end of […]

Category Announcements
Date December 10, 2021

‘When I think of the Puritans, I think of a high view of Scripture.’ This Christmas season, shop the best prices on Puritan Paperbacks, collected works, and the Puritan Box Sets. Click here to shop now.

Category Articles
Date November 11, 2021

The following is an excerpt from Evangelicalism Divided, (pp 154-158) by Iain H. Murray. Read the article, and then consider taking advantage of the special prices during the week-long Reformation Day Special. See below for more information on the special. The lives of the Reformers are examples of men who, no longer content to trust […]

Category Articles
Date October 21, 2021

To help us in the dealings of our lives we should have such a conception of God as not to limit him in our thoughts. When we are in extremity we must not tie him to this thing or to that thing. He can make matter out of nothing. Why should we limit the unlimited […]

Category Articles
Date October 15, 2021

Readers of the past few issues will know that this is the 60th anniversary year of the first Puritan Paperbacks. Following the introductory article, we have had an article on each of the first three volumes that were published, and this month we are looking at the fourth: John Flavel’s (c. 1630-91) The Mystery of […]

Category Book Reviews
Date October 7, 2021

September 2021 marks the 60th anniversary of the Puritan Paperback series.                 Iain Murray, writing in 1961: ‘The first two titles of this new series are scheduled to appear in September. This is an endeavour to popularize in mid-twentieth century format some of the timeless literary treasure given to […]

Category Announcements
Date September 20, 2021

Why bother coming to the prayer meeting? In the pecking order of many congregations, it is somewhere below the much-lamented evening service. In the priorities of too many Christians, it seems to have little value. It’s the one we can afford to miss. It’s the one to which we don’t, or maybe wouldn’t, take our […]

Category Articles
Date September 3, 2021

One of the Saddest Days in Church History – Steve Lawson on Sermons of the Great Ejection.

Category Book Reviews
Date August 19, 2021

This is the third in a series of ‘taster’ articles to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the Puritan Paperbacks series. I can still remember as a teenager pulling my father’s copy of the 1962 Banner edition of Sermons of the Great Ejection off one of his study shelves and turning to Edmund Calamy’s sermon, ‘Trembling […]

Category Book Reviews
Date August 19, 2021

If you would strengthen your faith to suffer great and hard things, study much the book of the Revelation, which is a standing cordial for the relief of the saints, in anti-christian times; and study and read and commend to your children, the Book of Martyrs, where you have examples to the life of the […]

Category Articles
Date August 6, 2021

One of the most difficult things at present for the Reformed Christian is to strike a balance between yesterday and today. This is not perhaps surprising. The Reformed Christian believes that in the sixteenth century the Reformers recovered the biblical faith, and that no Protestant ministry has excelled that of the seventeenth century. Reformers and […]

Category Articles
Date July 23, 2021

This is the second in a series of ‘taster’ articles to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the Puritan Paperbacks series. Here, our Book Review Editor provides a flavour of one of the early titles to appear in the series. Heaven on earth! Who would refuse that? But what is it, and where do we find […]

Category Book Reviews
Date July 22, 2021

‘The loving tenderness of Christ the good shepherd.’ – Mike Riccardi recommends The Bruised Reed by Richard Sibbes.

Category Book Reviews
Date July 22, 2021

While the metaphorical bucket of cold water may not be a distinctively British phenomenon, it certainly seems to be an outlook that many here have perfected, and doubtless others besides. Some cultures and societies seem easily enthused. In some places you could give people the chance to go out and hit themselves with wet sticks […]

Category Articles
Date July 9, 2021

The Psalmist sang, ‘All the ends of the world shall re­member and turn unto the Lord: and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before thee’ (Psalm 22:27). Another Messianic psalm foretold, ‘He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth: They that dwell […]

Category Articles
Date June 25, 2021

Join us this October 12-14 in Ramona, CA, as we focus on the theme ‘Devoted to Christ’s Church’. Register here.

Category Articles
Date June 21, 2021

‘An all-wise providence’ – Steven Lawson recommends The Mystery of Providence by John Flavel.

Category Book Reviews
Date June 18, 2021

This is the first in a series of ‘taster’ articles to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the Puritan Paperbacks series. Here, the Trust’s Editorial Director provides a flavour of the inaugural title of the series, appearing in 1961. First published in 1649, William Bridge’s thirteen sermons on Psalm 42:11, entitled A Lifting Up for the […]

Category Book Reviews
Date June 18, 2021

One consequence of the individualism that blights the modern evangelical is the loss of what the Puritans called the Christian man’s calling. This loss is partly a cause and partly a result of the present impotence, and derives from the idea that people are primarily non-material beings with non-material1 needs and throw-away bodies. Creation is […]

Category Articles
Date June 18, 2021

The following is an extract from Thomas Manton’s commentary on Jude. * * * Of all graces, love needs keeping. Why? (1) Because of all graces it is most decaying (Matt. 24:12, Rev. 2:4). Flame is soon spent, graces that act most strongly require most influence, as being most subject to abatement; we sooner lose […]

Category Articles
Date June 11, 2021

In the opinion of many, next to the Bible itself, the very best tool for family worship is The Child’s Story Bible by Catherine F. Vos. It is now back in print. Banner of Truth has republished it in cloth binding, beautiful paper and print with a marker to use as the pages are turned […]

Category Book Reviews
Date June 10, 2021

We realize that this year it has been difficult to travel long distances for conferences, and we understand that the term ‘livestream’ may have lost some of the interest it once held as we have all become more accustomed to watching live events through a computer screen. So, this year, instead of streaming our USA […]

Category Announcements
Date May 24, 2021

According to an oft‑quoted saying of Francis Bacon, reading makes a full man, writing an exact man, and conversation a ready man. Experience shows the observant Christian that he was right. There is no ordinary way for a person to attain to fullness of knowledge in the things of God apart from a diligent application […]

Category Articles
Date May 21, 2021