Power Of Prayer

The New York Revival of 1858

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Weight 0.66 lbs
Dimensions 7.13 × 4.75 × 0.7 in
ISBN 9780851517582




Original Pub Date



General History, Prayer, Revival

Page Count


Banner Pub Date

Nov 18, 1991

Book Description

The Autumn of 1857 saw New York in the midst of financial failure which ruined many of its one million people. J.W. Alexander, returning there from Europe, found ‘a pall of mourning over every house’. But, unlike other times of national disaster this era was accompanied by a renewed spirit of prayer to be followed by a manifestation of the ‘marvellous lovingkindness’ of God as thousands were brought from worldly sorrow to the possession of lasting riches.

Samuel Prime’s work, written with the aid of other ministers, gives a first hand record of the year which saw America’s last national awakening- a revival which, noiseless and unexpected, was in striking contrast with the idea that evangelism is primarily a case of human effort. In 1858 the great truths ‘made exceedingly prominent’ were ‘the influence of the Holy Spirit and free salvation through the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ’.

This is largely the human story of people into whose lives God came. But the main lesson is abiding. The Spirit of God, Prime believed, intended the revival to be a lasting example to the church of the relationship between His work and believing prayer. This rare title was the last which Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones urged for republication before his death. Few books can be more relevant for the church today.

Mark Johnston on The Power of Prayer

Table of Contents Expand ↓

The Work proposed – The Commercial Revulsion – No extraordinary Means – Prayer, and Prayer only – The Story – The Future 1
How the Revival began, and where – A lone Man on his Knees- The first Prayer- Who was he? – What has he done? – The first Thought of a Daily Prayer-meeting – The first Meeting – Increasing Interest – Christ loved and honoured – ­Other Meetings established – Effect on the Public Mind – ­Faith in Special Cases – Preaching – The Work extending – ­The Religious and Secular Press – It spreads over the whole Land 5
Features of the Work – Ways and Means – Enthusiasm – ­Catholicity of Feeling and Action – The Reformed Dutch Church – Union, a Type – Influence of Laymen – The Ministry aided and encouraged 30
Preparation – Means following certain Results – Remarkable Coincidences – Revivals at Sea – Convention at Pittsburg – ­Day of Fasting and Prayer – Convention at Cincinnati – ­Visitation of Families – General Influence of the Revival on the Church 35
One Prayer-Meeting – The House and Rooms – The Business in Hand – Requests for Prayer – News abroad – The President – From Philadelphia – The Son and Mother – An Answer – Three Sisters – Six Children 40
An Infidel Lawyer’s Conviction and Conversion 49
Surprising Grace – A Successful Merchant – The Magdalens – The Saviour Waiting – A young Sailor – Danger of Delay 61
Remarkable Answers to Prayer – The Four Great Revivals – Power of Prayer – ‘My Husband Saved’ – Twenty Special Cases Selected – A Brother-in-law – A Drunkard Saved 68
Prayer-meeting at ‘Hell Corner’ – An Invitation on the Mississippi – A Daughter converted and driven out of her Father’s House – The whole Family converted – Hungry Children ask a Blessing – An only Son – The Camp-meeting Convert 76
Christ found at Home – The Man who found Peace in the Street 84
How a Revival began – Among the Mountains – Astonishing Answers – A Telegram to a Dying Man – A young Man’s Testimony – The Prodigal – A repentant Student converted in a Car – A Brother saved – Another Conversion in a Car ­Revivals multiplied by the Fulton street Prayer-meeting 91
Individual Responsibility – Personal Efforts – Souls seeking Souls – A ten Years’ pursuit of an Infidel and the Result – A Pledge Signed Twenty-six Times – Two Widows – An anxious Mother – A Brother-in-law – The Prodigal Son – A City Islander – The Happy Wife – Father and Daughter 100
The Work among the Children – Randall’s Island – The Romanist’s Child, Mary – A dying Sunday School Scholar – Prayers for a Child – Conversions in a Public School  – Columbus, Toledo and Geneva – Father and Children – Sabbath School Class and Teacher – The little Girl whose Heart would Sing 109
The Revival of Religion among Men of Business – Laws of Trade – Conscience – A Hardware Merchant and his Customer – A Merchant and his Clerk – The Salesman and his Assistant – Conscience Awakened – Test of the Revival 119
A Man of Pleasure – Goes to the Prayer-meeting – Is sorry for it – Thinks more of it – Reflects – His Mother’s Prayers – Her Bible – He returns from Newport – In the Prayer-meeting again – Deep distress of Mind – Despair – Begs others to pray for him – Peace – Joy – Praise 126
A Pastor’s Sketch – An anxious Inquirer – Complains of a want of Feeling – Encouraged to Pray – Relapses and Returns – Instructed in the Nature of Faith – Relief not the thing to seek – Christ’s Ability to save – A Glimmer of Light – The Sun of Righteousness 134
A Roman Catholic Experience – Out of Employment – Reads in the ‘Herald’ of the Prayer-meetings – Attends – Is astonished – Power of Prayer – Contrasted with the Mass ­- His Deep Convictions – Fascinated – Reveals his State – Light Breaks in – His Wife follows him to Christ 142
The Work among the Seamen – Many Languages spoken – ­Prayers better than Rum – An Irish Catholic – An aged Mariner – A sinking Vessel saved in the midst of prayer – ‘The North Carolina’ – ‘The Wabash’ – A Swedish Sailor at the Wheel – The awful Scene on ‘The Austria’, and singular coincidence -Six Sea Captains converted -Another Captain saved – His remarkable Experience 148
Influence of the Revival on Crime and Criminals – Orville Gardner – A fast Man – Labors among the Poor – The City Missionaries – Grace and Grace only – A Mother and two Children – Father and Son – The Widow’s joy – Relatives and Friends 172
Wonderful Answers to Prayer – Two Children of a Widow­ – A Servant Girl – Nine Men in the Market – Seven praying Wives – Never Give Up – A German Boy – The Prayer­ Meeting among the Indians – Answers to Prayer in Natchez 181
Prayer-meeting at Aunt Betsy’s – Power of Prayer remarkably Illustrated – A Visit to the Sing-Sing Prison – The Contrast – Luther and Melanchthon – Examples of Prevail­ing Prayer – The Church awaking – Understanding the Subject – A Mother’s Faith – A Revival predicted 189
Means of Grace – Preaching the Word – Revival Tracts – Private Efforts – Call to Prayer by Rev J. C. Ryle – Rev Dr Guthrie of Edinburgh, on Perseverance in Prayer – Rev Dr J. W. Alexander’s Tracts: ‘The Revival and its Lessons’, – ­’Pray for the Spirit’ – Power of the Press 201
Prayers for our Children sure to be Answered – Rev H. W. Smuller’s Thoughts – The Promises of God – The Vials with Prayers of the Saints – Visions of John – ­Experience of Daniel – Long Delay – The Old Ladies’ Meeting – Mrs F and her Soldier Boy – Have Faith in God 215
The Book of Requests – Written with Tears – Desire – ­Affection – Conviction of Sin – Sorrow – Faith – Conversations with the Drawer – The Converted gathered into the Kingdom 228
A Year of Prayer – Review of the Meetings – Anniversary of Fulton street Meeting – Extraordinary Case of Awakening at that Meeting – Murder and Suicide prevented – The Sinner saved 235
Prayer Shown to be Efficacious 244


2 testimonials for Power Of Prayer

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  1. Sam

    Every Christian should read this, especially pastors. I read it aloud each night with my family. You will be in awe, cry, laugh and at times perplexed. An amazing account of what God can do, and that through praying men and women, a praying church, and how Sovereign his Spirit truly is over history. A timely read for our present generation. May God awaken a praying church where prayer dominates one more time!

  2. Jaron

    This book is a beautiful display and testimony God’s faithfulness, power and amazing grace. In this book’s chapter’s I was exposed to page after page of God’s mighty work through his people’s simple prayers.
    In reading this book I’ve been pointed to Christ and his beauty, encouraged to pray to our Savior with renewed joy and confidence and been given a godly burden for the church of Jesus Christ to gather and pray.
    I couldn’t encourage you enough to buy and read this book and be blessed in thoughtfully reading its pages.

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