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David Jackman

David Jackman was born in 1942 and attended Downing College, Cambridge. After working as Universities Secretary for UCCF he completed his theological training at Trinity College, Bristol, where he studied under J. Alec Motyer and J. I. Packer. He moved to Southampton in 1976 to work as assistant minister of Above Bar Church under Leith Samuel, becoming the Senior Minister in 1980.

After 15 years at Above Bar Church, Jackman was recruited by Dick Lucas to found the Cornhill Training Course in London in 1991. The course is a ministry of The Proclamation Trust, and is designed to train evangelical preachers in exegesis, exposition and communication skills. Between 2004 and 2009 Jackman was president of The Proclamation Trust, and is now involved in Trust conferences for preachers and in producing distance learning materials and books. He has also been a speaker at the Keswick Convention and Word Alive.

His expository writing work includes commentaries on Judges & Ruth, The Letters of John and the Trust’s Let’s Study 1 Corinthians.

In addition to his role at The Proclamation Trust, Jackman is a visiting lecturer at Oak Hill Theological College in London as an expert in free church ministry. He is a former chairman of the 9:38 Committee, a national evangelical interdenominational organisation established to help people consider the possibilities of paid gospel ministry. David Jackman is married to Heather, and they have two children and four grandchildren.