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J. R. de Witt

Dr. John R. De Witt was a minister of the gospel for over 50 years. He received his B.D. from Western Theological Seminary and an honorary degree of D.D. from Rhodes College. He was professor of church history and systematic theology at Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, from 1975-1982, and has served congregations in Paterson (New Jersey), London, Kingstree (South Carolina), Memphis (Tennessee) – where he was senior minister of Second Presbyterian Church for 10 years – and Grand Rapids (Michigan). He also pastored First Presbyterian Church in Columbia, SC. In 2009 he was the moderator of the General Synod of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church.

Dr. De Witt is the author of Jus Divinum (an account of the Westminster Assembly), Amazing Love (on the parable of the prodigal son), and the booklet What is the Reformed Faith?, the latter two published by the Trust, of which he was formerly a Trustee. He also prepared Truth’s Victory Over Error for publicationHis wife of forty-one years, Jane Epps de Witt, passed away in February 2012. Dr. De Witt was called home on September 30th 2018.