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William G. Blaikie

Dr William Garden Blaikie (1820-99) was Professor of Apologetics and Pastoral Theology at New College, Edinburgh, from 1868 to 1897.

Son of James Blaikie, Advocate and Provost of Aberdeen, and educated at Marischal College, Aberdeen, and Edinburgh University, he was ordained to the parish of Drumblade, Aberdeenshire in 1842. At the Disruption in 1843 he cast in his lot with the Free Church of Scotland and was called to Pilrig Free Church, Edinburgh, in 1844. He was Moderator of the General Assembly in 1892 and Convener of the Home Mission Committee, 1874-8.

At various times Blaikie was the editor of the North British Review, the Sunday Magazine, the Catholic Presbyterian and the Free Church Magazine. His writings include For the Work of the Ministry (1873), The Book of Joshua (1893), The First Book of Samuel (1888), The Second Book of Samuel (1888), Better Days for Working People (1867), The Personal Life of David Livingstone (1880), and The Preachers of Scotland (1888), the last-mentioned being published by the Trust.