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Book Reviews

Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) was an outstanding American preacher. He lived during times of great revival, but the reality of this revival was questioned by many. In connection with this Edwards was forced to think about what he called the most important question of all – how can we judge whether our religion is true or […]

Category Book Reviews
Date June 19, 2012

Puritan Paperbacks which is the series into which this volume fits, may be familiar to some readers, and they will know what to expect from this addition to it, under the imprint of The Banner of Truth Trust. The latter is to be thanked for re-printing the 1861 edition of Goodwin’s treatise. It would have been […]

Category Book Reviews
Date June 16, 2012

This book is aimed at those new to the Christian faith who would like to understand more about 66 books that make up the Bible. After an excellent introduction, there is a chapter devoted to each book (except for 1 &2 Chronicles which are considered together). Pastor Crooks first of all outlines the background and […]

Category Book Reviews
Date April 24, 2012

‘Ah! the wonderful thought of it . . . of such a place as Heaven . . . The book . . . extols the joys and blessings that await us as Disciples of Christ in our future and eternal home’ [Harold Cameron on Paul D. Wolfe’s Setting Our Sights on Heaven.] Below are links […]

Category Book Reviews
Date April 3, 2012

‘How did we get here?’ is a question that is always relevant and often illuminating. Yet contemporary evangelicals don’t ask it as often as they should. In his book Revival and Revivalism: The Making and Marring of American Evangelicalism, 1750-1858,1 Iain Murray tells a story that helps explain how evangelicals – Baptists, Presbyterians, Methodists, and […]

Category Book Reviews
Date March 20, 2012

Richard Sibbes (1577-1635) was a well known Puritan Pastor who was known as the ‘heavenly doctor’. This work is twenty sermons preached by him on Song of Solomon 4:16 to 6:3. For Sibbes the Song of Solomon is ‘nothing else but a plain demonstration and setting forth of the love of Christ for his church, […]

Category Book Reviews
Date March 3, 2012

It has often been said: if you wish to start reading the Puritans, begin with Sibbes – the point being that he is simple and direct. (Others may suggest Watson or Swinnock.) Richard Sibbes (1577-1635), ‘the heavenly doctor,’ was one of the foremost among Puritan preachers and divines.The Love of Christ was first published under […]

Category Book Reviews
Date March 2, 2012

Paul Wolfe is a new author on the British scene who deserves to be read. He came close to never writing at all. At only 28 years old, newly married, he was diagnosed with cancer. He was studying for the ministry at Westminster Theological Seminary, and to use his phrase, had his life all scripted […]

Category Book Reviews
Date March 1, 2012

‘The author has chosen his subject matter to show readers the glory, importance, and beauty of God’s character, plan of salvation, and the church . . . He communicates sound theology in understandable terms. ‘[Byron Snapp on Eric Alexander’s Our Great God and Saviour at the Calvary Herald website. Below are links to selected online […]

Category Book Reviews
Date February 3, 2012

Hodge lived from 1797 to 1878 and was one of the outstanding theologians of the nineteenth century. In a fragment of autobiography which forms the first chapter of the book, Charles Hodge provides recollections of his family background and early life. Much of the remainder of the book consists of letters and other documents collected […]

Category Book Reviews
Date January 27, 2012

Mr. Murray has done the Christian world a great service by writing this biography of Archibald Brown. Mr. Brown was one of the great pastors and preachers of the late 19th and early 20th century yet today he is hardly known. This probably because up to now no complete biography of this life has ever […]

Category Book Reviews
Date January 21, 2012

This collection of Tyndale’s writings was originally brought together by the Parker Society and is a reprint of their 1848-1850 edition. It is now excellently bound in two volumes* which have attractive dust jackets. Numerous historical notes have been supplied which are based on careful research. These notes will be of interest to historians of […]

Category Book Reviews
Date January 11, 2012

This is not a book so much about heaven, but rather the Christian’s attitude to heaven. The author’s aim is to make Christians more heavenly minded. The book is in two parts. In part one Mr. Wolfe looks at the Bible’s teaching on heaven, how we get to heaven and what it means to set […]

Category Book Reviews
Date January 3, 2012

Josiah’s Reformation by Richard Sibbes has just been published by the Banner of Truth Trust1. Richard Sibbes is widely known amongst evangelicals who are familiar with Christian literature. Sadly, few have actually read him beyond the various quotations that appear in numerous Christian magazines. Here is an opportunity to read, learn and enjoy for yourself.2 […]

Category Book Reviews
Date December 23, 2011

The World-Tilting Gospel: Embracing a Biblical Worldview and Hanging on Tight Dan Phillips Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2011 315 pages, paperback, £11.99, $17.99 ISBN: 978-0-82543-908-7 Dan Phillips is best known as a Christian blogger, contributing both to his own site, and the world-renowned Pyromaniacs. His posts at either location are always articulate, often provocative and are […]

Category Book Reviews
Date December 16, 2011

This book consists, as the Preface tells us, ‘of a collection of pieces written at different times and generally with a view to special circumstances’. It begins with a piece by D. M. McIntyre on ‘Andrew Bonar as a Preacher’ in which we are told that the unrestrained offer of Christ to sinners of mankind […]

Category Book Reviews
Date December 13, 2011

Charles Hodge is rightly regarded as one of the leading theologians of the nineteenth century. His life’s work centred on Princeton Seminary where he studied and became Professor of Systematic Theology. This biography was written by his son A. A. Hodge just two years after the death of his father. At the insistence of his […]

Author ,
Category Book Reviews
Date December 9, 2011

‘If you read only one book on parenting outside of your Bible, make sure it is this one! . . . an endless gift of biblical treasure to share with your children, and their children, and their children, and their children, and . . .’ [Jennifer McIlwain on Kenneth B. Wingate’s A Father’s Gift: Lessons […]

Category Book Reviews
Date December 6, 2011

Engaging with Martyn Lloyd-Jones: The life and legacy of ‘the Doctor’ Andrew Atherstone & David Ceri Jones (Eds) Nottingham: Apollos/IVP, 2011 376 pages, paperback, £16.99 ISBN: 978 1 84474 553 1 This title is a collection of essays, part appreciation, part analysis of the work and legacy of Dr D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones. Lloyd-Jones stands astride […]

Category Book Reviews
Date November 29, 2011

The Banner of Truth has published The Select Practical Writings of John Knox1. We have had a spate of writings by or about John Calvin, and now new books are beginning to appear about John Knox (the 450th anniversary of the Reformation in Scotland and the approaching 500th anniversary of Knox’s birth). We welcome this. […]

Category Book Reviews
Date November 11, 2011

Voice of Nonconformity: William Robertson Nicoll and the British Weekly Keith Ives Cambridge: Lutterworth, 2011 255pp. paperback, £23 ISBN: 978 0 71889 222 7 This engaging and important book is essential reading for an understanding of how once-powerful English Nonconformity and Scottish Presbyterianism became as feeble as they are today. W. Robertson Nicoll, founder and […]

Category Book Reviews
Date October 28, 2011

John Colquhoun, the author of Repentance was born in 1748 and after his conversion felt called to the ministry. He was eventually ordained in 1781 and became minister of the New Church in South Leith, Edinburgh, remaining there until a year before his death in 1827. Thomas Boston’s writings were to be a very great […]

Category Book Reviews
Date October 21, 2011

Thomas Brooks’ book of this name was first published in 1652 and was then reprinted with various corrections and enlargements over the following years. Alexander B. Grosart used the edition of 1676 as the basis for his reissue in 1866 and this is the one that Banner of Truth reprinted in 1980.2 Thomas Brooks was […]

Category Book Reviews
Date October 18, 2011

The young pastor smiles with joy as he looks out at the pews crowded with a rainbow of pastel-coloured button-ups and Easter dresses. He is encouraged to speak to a packed audience and hopes to preach the gospel to the several unbelievers who were invited by a few faithful church members. However, the large majority […]

Author ,
Category Book Reviews
Date October 7, 2011

This is a fascinating selection of the writings of the great Scottish reformer John Knox first published in 1845. The text is unabridged and unaltered except that the spelling has been updated. Covering the period 1554 to 1558 the book includes 15 personal letters, 2 sermons, an exposition of Psalm 6 and a number of […]

Category Book Reviews
Date October 5, 2011