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A Neophyte’s Devotion



Provocations against thy divine majesty have
      filled my whole life.
My offences have been countless and aggravated.
  Conscience has rebuked me,
  friends have admonished me,
  the examples of others have reproached me,
  thy rod has chastised me,
  thy kindnesses allured me.
Thou hast seen and abhorred all my sins and
  couldst easily and justly have punished me,
  yet thou hast spared me,
    been gracious unto me,
    given me thy help,
    invited me to thy table.
Lord, I thankfully obey thy call,
  accept of thy goodness,
  acquiesce in thy gospel appointments.
I believe that Jesus thy Son has plenteous
I apply to him for his benefits,
  give up my mind implicitly to his instructions,
  trust and glory in his sacrifice,
  revere and love his authority,
  pray that his grace may reign in my life.
I will not love a world that crucified him,
  neither cherish nor endure the sin
    that put him to grief,
  nor suffer him to be wounded by others.
At the cross that relieves my conscience
  let me learn lessons of self-denial, forgiveness
    and submission,
  feel motives to obedience,
  find resources for all needs of the divine life.
Then let me be what I profess,
  do as well as teach,
  live as well as hear religion.

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