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‘Clear, concise, biblical teaching on the ways and means of growing in spiritual maturity . . . sets out the precedent for Christian growth (Jesus), lays down the theoretical foundation for Christian growth (theology), points to the context for Christian growth (Church), and provides examples of Christian growth (Bible). Ferguson’s pleasant style and earnest tone […]

Category Book Reviews
Date August 3, 2012

‘Ah! the wonderful thought of it . . . of such a place as Heaven . . . The book . . . extols the joys and blessings that await us as Disciples of Christ in our future and eternal home’ [Harold Cameron on Paul D. Wolfe’s Setting Our Sights on Heaven.] Below are links […]

Category Book Reviews
Date April 3, 2012

‘The author has chosen his subject matter to show readers the glory, importance, and beauty of God’s character, plan of salvation, and the church . . . He communicates sound theology in understandable terms. ‘[Byron Snapp on Eric Alexander’s Our Great God and Saviour at the Calvary Herald website. Below are links to selected online […]

Category Book Reviews
Date February 3, 2012

REFORMATION AND LIBERATION: REDISCOVERING THE LEGACY OF THE REFORMERS Reformation Day celebrations have a fairly established place in the life of Reformed Churches in the USA (despite the fact, as one observer quipped, ‘I thought the Reformation took place to abolish events like these!’) So, given that such events are part of the church calendar […]

Category Articles
Date November 22, 2011

‘Murray’s engaging biography paints an endearing portrait of the well-known Southern California pastor . . . In these days of trendy, self-promoting, culture-infatuated, success-driven preachers, John MacArthur Jr.’s steadfast confidence in the power of God’s Word is a tremendous model to ministers and churches everywhere . . . yet another outstanding biography from one of […]

Category Book Reviews
Date September 6, 2011

‘While it may not end up being the most complete biography, it is hard to imagine that there will be one as well-written and interesting.’[John Bird on Iain Murray’s new biography of John MacArthur: Servant of the Word and Flock at his ‘While We Sojourn’ blog.] Below are links to selected online reviews of Banner […]

Category Book Reviews
Date July 5, 2011

‘With laudable brevity, wry wit, proverbial pithiness, earnest devotion, vigorous plainness and gripping earthiness, Spurgeon paints his portrait of the King of kings, bringing the beauties of the Lord Christ into sharp relief and sweet expression.’ [Jeremy Walker on Spurgeon’s Commentary on Matthew at his ‘The Wanderer’ blog.] Below are links to selected online reviews […]

Category Book Reviews
Date April 8, 2011

‘Ferguson writes in a way that children can understand, while the adults benefit, too. The gospel is presented clearly, and the truth that following Christ may lead to persecution and martyrdom is handled well.’ [John Bird on Sinclair B. Ferguson’s Ignatius of Antioch: The Man Who Faced Lions at his ‘While We Sojourn’ blog.] Below […]

Category Book Reviews
Date February 4, 2011

‘Alexander’s choice of subject matter, and the way he handles it, reveals a depth of maturity and humility that only decades of seeking and learning about God could produce . . . a refreshingly original explanation of timeless, Scriptural truths.’ [John Bird on Eric Alexander’s Our Great God and Saviour at the ‘Discerning Reader’ website.] […]

Category Book Reviews
Date October 8, 2010

‘you don’t have to be a member of the Miller family for this autobiography to fascinate, astonish and inspire . . . There is no sense of self-aggrandizement or self-justification . . . Miller honestly chronicles set-backs and disappointments as well as the successes of his ministerial career and is careful to give God all […]

Category Book Reviews
Date August 6, 2010

‘The Banner of Truth has done the church a great service in reprinting this book. We will all do our own souls a great service if we buy it and read it thoughtfully.’ [Alan Hill on John Colquhoun’s Repentance at The Good Book Stall website] Below are links to selected online reviews of Banner titles […]

Category Book Reviews
Date July 2, 2010

‘Sometimes I stumble on a book that makes me see God more wondrously. Periodically, I will discover a book that will make me return again and again both to it and to that writer. Thomas Watson’s All Things for Good is just such a book.’ [Terry Enns] Below are links to selected online reviews of […]

Category Book Reviews
Date June 4, 2010

‘Stuart Olyott is . . . a master of good communication and clear Christ-centred teaching . . . In 23 chapters he carefully states, illustrates and applies the teaching of this letter. In every chapter he paraphrases each verse to bring home, in today’s English, the train of thought and argument. This is a most […]

Category Book Reviews
Date May 4, 2010

‘provides great encouragement . . . reminds us to perseveringly pray and constantly remember that we have a Savior Who loved us before we ever loved Him and Who always provides what is good for us even in the midst of testing . . . particularly enjoyable to those who enjoy the fruit of Puritan […]

Category Book Reviews
Date March 2, 2010

‘every minister of the gospel should read Smeaton’s two volumes on the atonement . . . an example of the marriage of the best exegetical theology and the warmth of genuine Christian piety. ‘If you want to get a better grasp of the biblical categories, terminology, and texts about the atonement, and if you want […]

Category Book Reviews
Date February 5, 2010

Back in 2009, Pastor Reggie Weems from Johnson City, Tennessee challenged the men of his congregation at Heritage Baptist Church to buy the entire 14-volume set of Martyn Lloyd-Jones on Romans and commit to reading it, following a reading schedule that he had developed, that would take them through the next 18 months. Now, in […]

Category Articles
Date January 25, 2010

‘Newton’s practical and Biblical guidance in these letters epitomize the role of spiritual leadership given in Ephesians 4:12 “to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ”‘ (Jeremy Walker on Wise Counsel) Below are links to selected online reviews of Banner titles posted during November and December 2009. […]

Category Book Reviews
Date January 8, 2010

‘A wonderful book . . . a real treasure. Here are lessons for preachers and pastors, lessons for churches and lessons also for all those who seek to grow in grace! (Stephen Richardson on Iain Murray’s A Scottish Christian Heritage) Below are links to selected online reviews of Banner titles posted (mainly) during September and […]

Category Book Reviews
Date November 3, 2009

‘The believer’s faith, love and hope would all be well-served by prayerful and meditative reading of this little volume . . . it is full of the gospel, and the aroma of Jesus rises from it sweetly.’ (Jeremy Walker on Marcus Loane’s Jesus Himself) Below are links to selected online reviews of Banner titles (mainly) […]

Category Book Reviews
Date June 5, 2009

‘one of the most beautifully named Puritan books, The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment . . Some of [Burroughs’] insights and comments are challenging. I don’t like some of them! But maybe it’s the ones I don’t like that should instruct me the most! (Lex Loizides). Below are links to selected online reviews of Banner […]

Category Book Reviews
Date May 15, 2009

The 20th Annual Scottish Reformed Conference takes place on Saturday 9th May 2009 in Hamilton College School, Bothwell Road, Hamilton. Registration begins at 9.15am, with the conference commencing at 10.00am, concluding at 3:30 pm. The speakers for 2009 are Dr Sinclair B Ferguson and Rev Eric J Alexander. SINCLAIR B FERGUSON is Senior Minister of […]

Category Announcements
Date April 14, 2009

‘Truth For All Time may quite simply be the best, most concise summary of the Christian faith ever written . . . (Calvin’s) writings reflect the love and passion he has for God and for his people . . . a beautiful reminder of both the simplicity and majesty of the redemption we have in […]

Category Book Reviews
Date April 3, 2009

‘Calvinism is not inconsistent with evangelism; it is only inconsistent with certain evangelistic methods . . . In order for evangelism to be pleasing to God, it must be consistent with the whole system of biblical teaching. But what does such evangelism look like? A classic answer to that question is found in R.B. Kuiper’s […]

Category Book Reviews
Date March 3, 2009

‘A no-fuss, no-nonsense overview of biblical teaching on heaven and hell . . . dedicates equal time to both subjects, first allowing the heart and spirit to recoil at the thought of hell but then comforting it with the knowledge of heaven. Throughout the book Donnelly is pastoral, often challenging the reader and continually returning […]

Category Book Reviews
Date February 6, 2009

‘A precious work that no serious expositor of the Bible should be without. If you found Calvin’s commentaries valuable, you will discover his sermons to be priceless.’ [Josh Gelatt in giving Calvin’s Sermons on the Acts of the Apostles, Chapters 1-7 an ‘honorable mention’ in his 2008 Book of the Year selection] Below are links […]

Category Book Reviews
Date January 9, 2009