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John M. Brentnall Resources

‘Man’, said Blaise Pascal, ‘is like one who has been cast sleeping on to a desert island, only to wake and discover that he does not know where he came from, why he is there, and where he is going.’ When men tell us that the great problem facing man today is that of his […]

Category Articles
Date May 31, 2019

Every one of the Lord’s people can echo the testimony of King David in Psalm 40:1-3: I waited patiently for the Lord; and he inclined unto me and heard my cry. He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established […]

Category Articles
Date July 30, 2014

William Booth (1829-1912) is best known as the founder of the Salvation Army, an organization devoted to feeding and clothing the destitute. Beginning as a Christian mission in London’s East End, it was renamed in 1878, and waged war on two fronts – against the biting pinch of poverty, and the degrading power of sin, […]

Category Articles
Date July 23, 2014

Introduction ‘When through the blood of the everlasting covenant we children of the shadows reach at last our home in the light, we shall have a thousand strings to our harps, but the sweetest may well be the one tuned to sound forth most perfectly the mercy of God.’ This thought of A. W. Tozer’s […]

Date May 28, 2014

A recent writer complains that ‘contemporary gospel preaching . . . rarely explains the cross of Christ;’ that is, it fails to tell us that ‘He died bearing the transgressions of His people . . . suffering the divine penalty for their sins . . . forsaken of God and crushed’ beneath God’s wrath. It […]

Category Articles
Date November 12, 2013

Although Robert Murray M’Cheyne did not take his place among the founders of the Free Church of Scotland (he was taken to glory just before the Disruption) he fully sympathised with their rejection of state control of the Church of Christ in Scotland, and would have been among them when their Deed of Separation terminated […]

Category Articles
Date October 25, 2013

Judged by the unqualified appeals in much modern ‘evangelism’ to the natural man’s unaided reason, emotions and will, one might conclude that ‘modern man’ is able to respond positively, and that he has no need of God’s efficacious grace. That such presumption is wholly groundless was the firm conviction of the late R. A. Finlayson, […]

Category Articles
Date August 9, 2013

‘No man in his time spake with such evidence and power of the Spirit . . . many of his hearers thought no man since the apostles spoke with such power.’ (John Livingston) Whilst he was in the ministry at Edinburgh, he shined as a great light through the whole land, the power and efficacy […]

Category Articles
Date August 2, 2013

Banner Author: John M. Brentnall

John M. Brentnall is the Editor of Peace & Truth, the magazine of the Sovereign Grace Union. He has selected and edited a book of the sayings of John ‘Rabbi’ Duncan, entitled Just a Talker, and is the author of a biography of William Bagshawe, The Apostle of the Peak, both published by the Trust […]


Introduction In a highly technical article entitled ‘Philosophic Calvinism’ (Living for God’s Glory, ed. J. R. Beeke, Reformation Trust, 2008, pages 150-159) James Grier argues (using Abraham Kuyper’s Stone Lectures as his starting point) that John Calvin had a unified world view. This view was in principle comprehensive: it embraced theology, philosophy, culture, science and art. ‘The […]

Category Articles
Date April 23, 2013

Introduction At a time when Theological Liberalism was leading millions away from the true gospel into the pit of heresy, the Head of the Church raised up several defenders of the Faith to stand in the breach and repel the enemy. Not the least among these was John Gresham Machen, who, along with such stalwarts […]

Category Book Reviews
Date April 16, 2013

Introduction Even before the Scofield Reference Bible became so popular, the notion that God chose different ways of saving sinners at different times in man’s history was rife. Under this notion – known as Dispensationalism – the world is seen as a household administered by God at several stages of revelation, each stage placing on […]

Category Articles
Date December 24, 2012

Introduction Martin Luther is not merely a key figure in the unfolding of events in the Protestant Reformation; he also played a major role in moulding its ideas. ‘Perhaps more than any other person, Luther shaped the presuppositions that define Protestantism.’ (Stephen J. Nichols) These presuppositions are known to scholars in their Latin form as […]

Category Articles
Date April 15, 2011

Introduction In winding up his magnificent exposition of the sovereignty of grace in salvation, the apostle Paul writes: ‘For of him, and through him, and unto him, are all things’ (Rom. 11:36). That is, from God as the Source, through God as the Means, to God as the End, all things exist and have their […]

Category Articles
Date January 18, 2011

How we welcome this complete Works of one whose name should be held in grateful remembrance for his selfless, God-honouring life, martyrdom and translation of Holy Scripture. Here are doctrinal treatises (against popery, prelacy and the persecutor Thomas More) and on behalf of true biblical godliness, introductions to and expositions of the Word of God […]

Category Book Reviews
Date November 5, 2010

This year marks the 500th anniversary of the birth of the martyr John Bradford (1510-55). As a broken-hearted sinner, a self-condemning saint, a firm believer, a man of prayer, a sharp reprover of sin, a preacher with power, a comforter of others and a staunch martyr ‘for Christ’s gospel’s sake’ (his own words), Bradford was […]

Category Articles
Date October 29, 2010

They whom God hath accepted in his Beloved, effectually called and sanctified by his Spirit, can neither totally nor finally fall away from the state of grace; but shall certainly persevere therein to the end, and be eternally saved. Westminster Confession of Faith God sovereignly decrees that none of his elect shall perish. As a […]

Category Articles
Date October 26, 2010

What is the Doctrine of Invincible Grace? God converts and calls men . . . according to his own purpose and grace, which is given us in Christ Jesus (2 Tim. 1:9). David Dickson The Lord never applies his grace of purpose to gain a soul but he prevails. James Durham The grace of God […]

Category Articles
Date September 10, 2010

In Biblical terms, conversion (from the Latin convertere = ‘to turn’) means to turn from sin to God; conversion is the act of turning. Both the Hebrew words sub and niham and the Greek words epistrepho and metanoeo bear this meaning. When translated into English, they indicate returning or turning back to God through a […]

Category Articles
Date September 3, 2010

John ‘Rabbi’ Duncan once said of F. W. Robertson of Brighton: ‘Robertson believed that Christ did something or other, which, somehow or other, had some connection or other with salvation.’ This vague ‘mystification’ covers all the heretical and erroneous views of the atonement being mooted today. Indeed, F. W. Dillistone tells us enthusiastically: ‘there has […]

Category Articles
Date August 31, 2010

My work before me is less with man and more with God. Isaac Ambrose Prayers and pains, through faith in Christ Jesus, will do anything. John Eliot For thy name’s sake, lead me and guide me. (Psalm 31:3) O man of God, go on, go on; be valiant for that Plant of Renown, for that […]

Category Articles
Date August 27, 2010

Christ died . . . for all God’s elect. John Owen Christ suffered all that wrath which was due to the elect for their sins. Thomas Boston All are not saved by Christ’s death, but all which are saved are saved by Christ’s death. Henry Smith The Son cannot die for them whom the Father […]

Category Articles
Date May 7, 2010

I never preached a sermon which did not cost me prayers with strong cries and tears. Thomas Shepard It is not marriage that spoils ministers, but sloth, self-indulgence, and the fear of the cross. Oecolampadius Men are ever to be prepared for the Gospel by the preaching of the Law. Theodore Beza Pray often, for […]

Category Articles
Date April 30, 2010

Preach the word. (2 Timothy 4:2) If you would be a deep divine, I recommend to you sanctification. Samuel Rutherford We are to be labourers, not loiterers, in the Lord’s vineyard. Charles Bridges Christ’s servants have always been the world’s fools. George Whitefield The vows of God are upon us. Thomas Scott Brethren, it is […]

Category Articles
Date January 19, 2010

One of the most distressing experiences of the people of God is their lack of assurance. They cannot say with confidence: ‘My Beloved is mine, and I am his.’ (Song of Sol. 2:16) At times they barely regard themselves as children of God or heirs of heaven. The most they can say on the matter […]

Category Articles
Date January 15, 2010