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Resources by Clifford, Alan C.

A date of great significance for the worldwide communion of the Reformed Churches is August 24 – ‘St. Bartholomew’s Day.’ It is remembered for the terrible massacre of Huguenots in France in 1572. They were amazing Christian men and women whose testimony must never be forgotten. I believe that, though often caricatured and misunderstood by […]

Category Articles
Date August 30, 2005

Opposing the decadent agenda of aggressive liberals, orthodox Bible-believingChristians appeal to the authority of the Scriptures in the belief that thereare ‘absolutes’.  Indeed, the Biblecontinues to provide infallible guidance to be applied in today’scircumstances.  The Scriptures of theOld and New Testaments do not simply provide documentary examples of the valuesof a bygone age for merely […]

Category Articles
Date October 19, 2003