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Albert N. Martin Resources

An extract from Al Martin’s What’s Wrong with Preaching Today?, published as a booklet by the Trust.1 Originally an address given to the Ministers’ Conference of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church at Westminster Theological Seminary in September 1967, the transcript was revised for publication by the author, who sought to retain the sermonic style. Preaching has […]

Category Articles
Date September 11, 2014

Banner Author: Albert N. Martin

Albert N. Martin concluded 46 years of ministry at Trinity Baptist Church in Montville, New Jersey, in June 2008, and he and his second wife Dorothy relocated to Michigan (he lost his first wife Marilyn in 2004 after 48 years of marriage and a six-year battle with cancer). A recognised evangelist, counsellor, pastor and preacher, […]


Jerusalem was buzzing with activity during one of the high Jewish feast days. And now at the pool of Bethesda the controversial young rabbbi from Galilee had astounded everyone by healing a man paralyzed for thirty-eight years! But instead of rejoicing, the Jewish leaders first confronted the healed man for carrying his bed on the […]

Category Articles
Date May 22, 2007

THE PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS OF CALVINISM What, then, are the personal implications of Calvinistic thought and truth both in the life of the individual and in the ministry exercised by the individual ? by Al Martin B. B. Warfield describes Calvinism as ‘that sight of the majesty of God that pervades all of life and all […]

Category Articles
Date May 18, 2002

When the town-crier comes through the street he opens his mouth and he’s a free man. He’s free in the sense that he’s not biting his nails nervously wondering “Oh, how will this news fall upon the ears of Mrs. So and So in the light of what I happen to know about her through […]

Category Articles
Date April 1, 2001