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Resources by Nettles, Thomas J.

By ‘posture’ I do not refer to the alignment of one’s body when standing. Good posture, of course, is advisable, for one breathes better, projects his voice better and shows respect for the uprightness and symmetry with which God created his image-bearers. No better instruction on this feature of pulpit address can be found than […]

Category Articles
Date January 25, 2010

The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary: 1859-2009 By Gregory Wills New York: Oxford University Press, 2009 592 pages, hardback, $35.00. ISBN: 978 0 19537 714 9 This long-anticipated history of Southern Baptists’ oldest Seminary will not disappoint those who have savoured its coming with heightened interest. Greg Wills has given the kind of historical investigation and […]

Category Book Reviews
Date August 21, 2009

Southern Baptists inherited the most compelling aspects of all the Baptist Calvinists that preceded them. James P. Boyce summarized this well. He encouraged every preacher to get theological education in some way, even if it could not be at the Seminary in Greenville, South Carolina. If no other means were available, he advised, ‘work at […]

Category Articles
Date June 17, 2008