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William S. Plumer Resources

Banner Author: William S. Plumer

Minister, author, and theological professor, William Swan Plumer (1802-80) was one of Princeton Theological Seminary’s most well-known students. Born in Griersburg, Pennsylvania, Plumer would graduate from Washington College in Virginia in 1825. Following a year of study at Princeton Theological Seminary in 1826, Plumer began a very active and diverse ministerial career. During the first […]


It is a great attainment to lie passive in God’s hands, and know no will but His. [Of all the Reformed writers in the 19th century, none was more doctrinally sound, experientially searching and practically realistic than William S. Plumer (1802-1880). A graduate of Old Princeton, Plumer was widely known as pre-eminently a preacher of […]

Category Articles
Date August 21, 2003