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Resources by Ramsbottom

The Banner of Truth has printed for the first time in English Songs of the Nativity: Selected Sermons on Luke 1 and 2*, by John Calvin. Calvin was without doubt a great man. Past generations have prized his writings, especially his Institutes and his commentaries. His very name (‘Calvinism’) has become almost synonymous with the […]

Author ,
Category Book Reviews
Date June 2, 2009

John Elias (1774-1841) was one of the eminent preachers of Wales, greatly used by God. Amazing are some of the accounts of his ministry. This fine biography of Edward Morgan first appeared in 1844 and was first reprinted by the Banner of Truth Trust in 1973, and has recently been reprinted. Nothing but good can […]

Author ,
Category Articles
Date August 18, 2004