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Resources by VanDoodewaard, William

William VanDoodewaard talks about editing and publishing Charles Hodge’s sermons and commentaries on Hebrews for the first time. Watch the video below, and then scroll to the bottom of the page for a coupon to use on this title! This book has two parts, both of which contain material not previously published. The first part […]

Category Articles
Date January 27, 2020

Do you have a critical, jaded spirit towards the church? [1] Albert Mohler, in a 2009 episode of his talk show, asked, “Why Do Pastors Leave the Ministry?” noting the troubling trend that evangelical ministers are staying in congregations for shorter windows of time, with an average of about three years in a call. Many […]

Category Articles
Date May 1, 2017

What does it mean for you that Jesus Christ is King? While many of us could give a good answer, perhaps not many of us would include the profound and powerful testimony of Scripture to Christ as King in his humiliation. This is the period described in the Apostles’ Creed: he “suffered under Pontius Pilate, […]

Category Articles
Date March 10, 2017

When ministers and elders gather together, it is usual for them share their ministry burdens with each other. The calling of a minister of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is high and hard; the weightiness of the calling and the sufferings experienced in it give us the need to discreetly share some criticisms […]

Category Articles
Date February 17, 2017