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Garry J. Williams Resources

Banner Author: Garry J. Williams

Dr Garry Williams is the Director of the John Owen Centre at London Seminary, Visiting Professor of Historical Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia. USA, and an elder at Christ Church, Harpenden, UK. He continues to research and write at an academic level, focusing on the doctrine of the atonement. His popular-level writing focuses on […]


INTRODUCTION I have betrayed John Calvin1. We all have. We betray Calvin every time we talk about him, because Calvin did a lot to stop people talking about him. He once commented, ‘I am unwilling to speak of myself, but since you do not permit me to be altogether silent, I will say what I […]

Category Articles
Date September 25, 2009

There is no reason here to be encouraged. Some will reply that they will be delighted to have an Archbishop who asserts central credal doctrines. This delight in itself is alarming by Garry Williams, Tutor in Church History and Doctrine, Oak Hill College, London Alister McGrath tells readers of the Church of England Newspaper (no. […]

Category Articles
Date April 24, 2003