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What’s New? – The Launch of the New Banner Website

Category Announcements
Date September 9, 2013

Welcome to the new Banner website. We are excited to introduce you to a completely new online experience of the ministry of The Banner of Truth Trust.

On this site you will be able to learn more about the ministry of the Banner, shop more effectively for sound Christian books and find fresh, edifying content for you to enjoy and share. Below is a quick guide to some of the new features of the site:


We have carefully indexed the 800+ titles that we currently have in print in order to make it easy to browse for the right title. These indexes include,

Explore these indexes for yourself on the store page.

In addition to the indexes, you can now browse by format (Book, Study Guide, Booklet, Audio Book, Audio Message), and Product Groupings (Puritan Paperbacks, Geneva Series of Commentaries, etc.). By clicking through some of these tools you will probably find Banner books that you didn’t know existed!


Perhaps the biggest change in the website is found on the product page. This is where all the data that exists for a given title has been organized. New images, sample pages, table of contents, endorsements and reviews makes it easy for you to discern what each book is about. You can also read testimonials on how books have affected the lives of different Christians. Feel free to find a Banner book (maybe The Valley of Vision?) that the Lord has used to work in your life and leave a testimony to encourage others to read it for themselves. 

Each product page has an author link which will bring you to a listing of all the Banner books by an author. From here you can read a short biography and find articles by the selected author that we have posted as resources. Feel free to scan through the listing of our authors and check to see if you have read everything by your favourites!


In the age we live in we know that you want to access content from a number of devices. That is why we have developed this website to identify what device you are using and tailor your viewing experience. Try opening our website on your mobile phone and it will recognize your device and change the display to suit.

Our checkout process has been streamlined to one page for entering all your information and viewing your order details, and one page for making a payment.

Lastly, our website has become easier to use because of its awareness of where you are in the world. No longer will you have to declare where you are ordering from; our website can now recognize your location by your IP address, and point you to either our US or UK site. (If for any reason this fails, you can manually change your location).


Customers can now create their own accounts, bringing their shopping experience to a new level of convenience and efficiency. You can view your purchase history, manage your subscriptions to the Banner Magazine, and view giftcards/coupons that are associated with your account. Regarding gift cards, you can now purchase digital gift cards. Need a coupon quickly and you don’t mind if it doesn’t come wrapped in a card? – order a digital coupon. You can even email it to a friend as a gift right when you check out.

Click ‘Sign in‘ at the top of your page if you want to go ahead and set up your account. Keep in mind if you have purchased with us in the last two years it is possible that you already have an account created. If this is the case (when you try to register the system will tell you ‘This email is already registered’), simply click ‘Lost Password?’ and enter your email address. If all goes to plan you should receive an email shortly giving you a random password to login, which you can customize later to whatever you would like.

One of the added bonuses of having an account set up is that it streamlines your check-out process. When you check out with an account, your shipping and billing information will automatically fill in.


From our new site you can sign up to receive our regular emails which will tell you about new titles and special offers that we will run from time to time. You can also link in to our twitter feed and Facebook page. If you want to keep up to date with changes to the site, you can also subscribe to our RSS feeds.

We hope that you enjoy the new website and find it helpful. If you have any observations or suggestions for improvements, please do let us know.

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