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Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically

Category Announcements
Date April 7, 2015

‘What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.’ – A.W. Tozer

Cinematic Trailer

What is ‘Behold Your God’?

Are we sure that the God we serve is the God described in Scripture? Is rethinking Him biblically really necessary? How do we do it? How would it affect our views of Christ, the gospel, holiness, worship, evangelism, service, and revival?

Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically, led by Dr. John Snyder, is a 12-week multimedia study that focuses on God’s self-revelation in the Bible, helping the believer to apply the descriptions of God to all of life.

The Rethinking God Biblically study is centered around a twelve-week workbook and is designed to be used in conjunction with the 13 DVD lessons. Each week the student will work through the workbook (five days per week) in preparation for watching the DVD. Behold Your God can be used as an individual, family, group, or church-wide study.

Course Breakdown

Each week’s DVD is made up of three segments.

Historical Introductions

The historical introduction is a short biographical sketch of the life of a significant figure from Christian history whose ministry illustrates the truths that you have been studying that week. These were all filmed on location in Wales, England, Scotland, and North America.

  1. A. W. Tozer in “Week 1 – Beholding God: The Great Attraction” (Chicago, IL)
  2. Timothy Dwight in “Week 2 – Beholding God: Clearing the Way For Our Return” (Yale University)
  3. George Muller in “Week 3 – Beholding God: In the Bible” (Bristol, England)
  4. Samuel Rutherford in “Week 4 – Beholding God: In the Face of Jesus Christ” (Anwoth, Scotland)
  5. George Whitefield in “Week 5 – Beholding God: In the Work of Salvation”(Newburyport, MA)
  6. Robert Murray M’Cheyne in “Week 6 – Beholding God and the Response of Personal Holiness” (Dundee, Scotland)
  7. Charles Spurgeon in “Week 7 – Beholding God: Restoring Worship in Our Lives”(London, England),
  8. Daniel Rowland in “Week 8 – Beholding God and Evangelism” (Llangeitho, Wales)
  9. Amy Carmichael in “Week 9 – Beholding God and Our Christian Service” (Keswick, England)
  10. Charles Finney in “Week 10 – Beholding a Lesser God?” (Anytown, USA)
  11. D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones in “Week 11 – Beholding God: Avoiding the Lies of Pragmatism”(London, England)
  12. Jonathan Edwards in “Week 12 – Seeking the God We Are Beholding” (New Haven, CT)

images of contributors for 'Behold Your God'

Weekly Bible Study & Interviews

After the introduction, a sermon from Dr. Snyder reinforces what you have been studying in the Bible that week. Finally, you will be able to listen to highlights from interviews with contemporary ministers whose lives and labors reflect these same truths. These include Paul Washer, Richard Owen Roberts, Jordan Thomas, Anthony Mathenia, Eifion Evans, Andrew Davies, and Conrad Mbewe. Comments from men whose gospel labors range from Peru, Ethiopia, Virginia, and Memphis to New Zealand, England, Wales, Ireland, and Zambia help to show that these are eternal truths about an eternal God who is not altered by any temporal or geographical context.

more contributors for 'Behold Your God'

Taking the God of the Bible Seriously

Many in our day are tired and disillusioned because they have consistently hoped in the next new idea. It is just this kind of day that makes Christians stop running on their religious hamster-wheels and ask “Why are we doing these programs?” and “Why doesn’t God ever really seem to show up and effectively work in our churches?” Hard questions often lead to right answers. This study is written with the conviction that our fundamental need in Western Christianity is to repent of our low and unworthy views of God, to return to the biblical descriptions of the true God, and to risk it all in order to live upon who He is. Nothing in this study is new truth. The devotions and exercises in the workbook, and the intros, sermons, and interviews in the videos are meant only to help the reader to take the biblical descriptions of God seriously and to see how they form the foundation of Christian living.

Summary Overview of the Series & How to Use it

The very best way to find out what the study is all about is to go through the entire first week of the Rethinking God Biblically study online by clicking on the image below or by clicking here.

If you would like to purchase the series, please click here.


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