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Literature in Tamil

Category Articles
Date March 8, 2002


The 1689 Confession of Faith (3000 copies) and the Children’s Catechism (2000 copies) was printed in South India two weeks ago. Already, 200 copies have been sold and more orders keep coming. 200 copies will be sent to Sri Lanka as well. We are in the process of informing the churches and individuals around the world about their availability. Pray for the usefulness of these books among the Tamil churches and Tamil Christians. Contact is also made with a brother from the States who is involved in literature ministry in India. He is Reformed and is from a Presbyterian denomination. He purchased 25 copies each of these books and has placed an order for 25 copies each of all our other publications.

“What is a biblical Christian” by Pastor A N Martin and “When the salt looses its savour” by Pastor Maurice Roberts (both in Tamil) are very much in demand. We post these from New Zealand.

We are planning to publish the Baptist version of the Shorter Catechism (Simpson Publishing Company) and the 1689 with expository notes in Tamil. Part of these expository notes already appear regularly in the Bible Lamp. We want to speed up the work on these and complete them within the next two years with the help of God.

Bala, Pastor
For Sovereign Grace Church (Reformed Baptist)
Auckland, NZ

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