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Translation work in Europe

Category Articles
Date February 19, 2003

There is still a great deal of work that needs to be done. It is their hope that others will seriously give consideration to the possibility of supporting this activity through the EMF

by Daniel Webber

The European Missionary Fellowship’s renewed involvement in literature work commenced in 1996 with ‘Editorial Peregrino’ in Spain. Since then they have initiated, and involved themselves with, three other publishing houses:

‘Legatio’ in Poland (1997), ‘3L’ [formerly ‘Wartburg Verlagsverein’] in Germany (1998), and ‘Biblos’ in the Ukraine (2000). To date these publishing houses have produced a combined total of eighty-seven books in eight years. These have included authors such as C H Spurgeon, J C Ryle, D M Lloyd-Jones, S B Ferguson, G Keddie, and many others. They have published a good number of commentaries from both the Welwyn Bible Commentary series and the Banner of Truth Let’s Study series. There have also been doctrinal books, including Lloyd-Jones on the Great Bible Doctrines, and a number of topical and devotional books, such as Shepherding a Child’s Heart by T Tripp and The Lord our Shepherd by J D MacMillan.

Among the titles to be published in 2003 it is hoped to include Phil Arthur on The Patience of Hope (Ukraine), D M Lloyd-Jones on The Sermon on the Mount (Germany) and Preaching and Preachers (Spain), J C Ryle on Expository Thoughts on Matthew (Poland), and Paul Tucker on Jesus Crucified for Me (Ukraine). Of course, the future of this work will depend on continued funding. There is still a great deal of work that needs to be done. It is their hope that others will seriously give consideration to the possibility of supporting this activity through the EMF. All funds earmarked ‘For Literature Work’ will certainly be used for this purpose.

Daniel Webber, European Missionary Fellowship, Guessens, 6 Codicote Road, Welwyn, Herts., AL6 9NB, England.

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