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Baruch Maoz A Summary Of His Life

Category Articles
Date March 3, 2006

Baruch Maoz was born into a Jewish family in Boston, Massachusetts on December 30, 1943. In 1952 his parents divorced. A year later, Baruch immigrated to Israel with his mother and younger brother. At an early age he concluded that there was no God.

In 1961, while serving in the Israeli army, Baruch was introduced to a Christian family. His new-found friends refused to be put off by his bitter and aggressive atheism and Baruch was strangely attracted to them. But their “gentile” religion was too much to accept: after all, Baruch was Jewish! Two years later, on Nov. 11, 1963, God took Baruch to Himself. The result was a complete and radical change, followed by a period of intense evangelistic activity in which eagerness played a greater role than wisdom.

In mid 1964 he moved to Haifa and met Bracha, then a teenager. They were engaged in August, 1965, a month before Baruch left for Bible School in Britain. His studies brought him face to face with the doctrines of grace, which he embraced following an intense theological debate within himself in the course of writing a paper on the intent and extent of the atonement. He returned to Israel in 1969. Baruch and Bracha were married on January of that year, and have been gifted with three children: Avital, Shlomit, and Tamar; and more recently, with two delightful grandchildren.

Following the October 1973 War, Baruch joined with Christian Witness to Israel (CWI). His desire was to help produce and promote biblically oriented Christian literature that is clearly Reformed. To that end HaGefen Publishing was founded. Over the years, HaGefen has produced a growing number of titles and played an active and formative role in the theological education of Israeli Christians. HaGefen now produces Israel’s one and only Modern Hebrew Bible, of which Genesis to II Kings has been produced and work on the remainder of the Bible continues.

In 1976, separate from CWI but with their blessing, a local church was founded, Grace and Truth Christian Congregation. Its Affirmation of Faith and by-laws are distinctively Reformed and Baptist. With Baruch as pastor, this body of Christians has undergone many challenges, yet remains united in its desire to honour God by manifesting His glory in word and life. A theological study group, a preacher’s class, an evangelistic and an expository ministry are examples of what the church believes and practices. They also have a ministry to the deaf community, were instrumental in founding the National Social Aid Fund and have maintained an active role in the life of the national church while upholding the doctrines of grace in a staunchly Armenian and Charismatic environment.

In February 1997, in response to propose legislation to restrict freedom of religious expression in Israel, Baruch initiated the establishment of what became the Messianic Action Committee (MAC). Under God, that Committee successfully led the struggle for freedom of expression in Israel. He served as Chairman of that Committee until 1998, when he stepped down and devoted himself to preparing Grace and Truth to exercise a still greater role in the life of the church in Israel.

Jewish evangelicalism is beset with many threats. Judaistic views seek to substitute the law of Moses (with or without rabbinic tradition) for Christ’s atoning and sanctifying work and question the deity of Christ. A shallow anti-doctrine, experience-oriented mode of preaching has made biblical preaching suspect. Baruch has initiated an effort to call the church back to its fundamental and biblical moorings. Pray with Baruch that much grace will be given to be faithful amid such confusion.

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