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Serious Thoughts for Christian Ministers [3]

Category Articles
Date August 27, 2010

My work before me is less with man and more with God. Isaac Ambrose

Prayers and pains, through faith in Christ Jesus, will do anything. John Eliot

For thy name’s sake, lead me and guide me. (Psalm 31:3)

O man of God, go on, go on; be valiant for that Plant of Renown, for that Chief among ten thousand, for that Prince of the kings of the earth. Samuel Rutherford

O that all who are truly spiritual knew one another. George Whitefield

There is nothing destroyed by sanctification but that which would destroy us. William Jenkyn

Preaching the Gospel, and suffering for it, are services that angels are not employed in. Robert Traill

The human mind is not worthy of honour from the Eternal, but the Truth lodged in it is worthy. William Shedd

Learn how to apply Christ rightly to your soul, and you have everything. If you have learned this well, you are a great theologian. Robert Bruce

I am the LORD thy God which teacheth thee to profit. (Isaiah 48.17)

Nothing is more necessary to prayer than to know the plague of our own hearts. James Buchanan

He that hates thy sins most loveth thee best. George Swinnock

Application is the life of preaching. James Durham

A holy calling will not save an unholy man. Richard Baxter

We preachers ought to think like great men, but speak like common people. Roger Ascham

How cheerfully should we repair to the public ordinances on this acceptable day of grace and salvation, when Christ sits in state, scattering treasures of grace among the hungry and thirsty. John Wells

Say to them that are of a fearful heart: ‘Be strong.’ (Isaiah 35.4)

The hearer’s life is the preacher’s best commendation. Thomas Manton

Let the glory of God be your object, the Word of God your rule, and the love of God your principle. John Elias

I should tremble to hear a holy man reprimand me. Howell Harris

A holy sermon is but for an hour; a holy life is a perpetual sermon. Charles Bridges

Reprove compassionately. Passion will heat the sinner’s blood, but compassion will heal his conscience. George Swinnock

The holiest men in the Christian Church have been the most studious men. William Shedd

If God be for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8.31)

O my soul, come and be swallowed up in admiring this love, this boundless love to the chief of sinners. Dugald Buchanan

Can I work for God, though there were no wages? Philip Henry

Spiritual rest maketh no man idle; spiritual walking maketh no man weary. Nathaniel Hardy

There is nothing out of heaven, next to Christ, dearer to me than my ministry. Samuel Rutherford

It is foolish to avoid giving offence, but it is our duty to avoid giving unnecessary offence. Richard Cecil

A carnal frame, a dead heart, and a loose walk, make cold and unprofitable preaching. Robert Traill

My people shall be satisfied with my goodness. (Jeremiah 31.14)

I ought to spend the best hours of the day in communion with God. Robert Murray M’Cheyne

The way to enjoy the divine presence, and be fitted for distinguishing service for God, is to live a life of great devotion and constant self-dedication to Him. David Brainerd

Exhibit as much as you can of a glorious Christ. Cotton Mather

Do the work of the day in its day, and all will end in God’s glory. George Whitefield

Is there not a risk, lest in thinking so much about precious faith, we lose sight of the great Object [of faith]? Was faith crucified for you? Alexander MacLeod

I will go on in the strength of the Lord God. (Psalm 71.16)

Gathered by John Brentnall, editor of Peace and Truth, the magazine of the Sovereign Grace Union from the 2010:3 edition of which the above is taken with permission. Previous articles in this series can be found here and here.

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