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A Taste of Flavel – Choice Draughts from None But Jesus

Category Articles
Date May 13, 2014

Here are some choice selections from Banner’s newest book in the Pocket Puritans series: None But Jesus.1 These quotes from John Flavel will give the reader a good taste of the riches found within this small volume. Buy one for yourself, for your friends and for your family members and drink deeply from Flavel’s
edifying reflections on the person of Christ and the believer’s great benefits which flow from Him.

Redeemed souls must expect no rest or satisfaction on this side of heaven, and the full enjoyment of God. The life of a believer in this world is a life of motion and expectation: they are now coming to God (1 Pet. 2:4). God, you see, is the centre and rest of their souls (Heb. 4:9).

As the rivers cannot rest till they pour themselves into the bosom of the sea, so neither can renewed souls find rest till they come into the bosom of God.

Christ’s bringing home of all believers unto God, will be matter of unspeakable joy to themselves. For whatever knowledge and acquaintance they had with God here, whatever sights of faith they had of heaven and the glory to come in this world, yet the sight of God and Christ the Redeemer will be an unspeakable surprise to them in that day. This will be the day of relieving all their wants, the day of satisfaction to all their desires: for now they are come where they would be, arrived at the very desire of their souls.

Herein the admirable grace of this heavenly suitor appears, that Jesus Christ passed by millions of creatures of more excellent gifts and temperaments, and never makes them one offer of himself; never turneth aside to give one knock at their door: but comes to thee, the vilest and basest of creatures, and will not be gone from thy door without his errand’s end.

It is true, some wicked men die in seeming peace, and some good men in trouble, but both the one and the other are mistaken: the first, as to the good estate he fancies himself in, and the other as to his bad estate; and a few moments will clear up the mistake of both.

O when thou goest to God in any duty, take thy heart aside, and say, O my soul, I am now addressing myself to the greatest work that ever a creature was employed about: I am going into the awful presence of God about business of everlasting moment.

We should call our hearts to account every evening, and say, O my heart! Where hast thou been today? Where have thy thoughts been wandering? Where has thou made a road today? O naughty heart! Vain heart! Couldst thou not abide by the fountain of delights? Is there better entertainment with the creature than with God?

Repentance will cost you more than a few cheap words against sin.

Let not them that are at the top of the world be lifted up; nor those that are at the bottom be dejected.

Light is a special help to obedience, and obedience is a singular help to increase your light.

The lamp of life is almost burnt down, the glass of time almost run; yet a few, a very few days and nights more, and then time, nights and days shall be no more.

What shall I say of Christ? The excelling glory of that object dazzles apprehension and swallows up all expression.

The whole world is not a theatre large enough to display the glory of Christ upon: or unfold the one half of the unsearchable riches that lie hidden in him.

And such is the deliciousness of this subject, that were there ten thousand volumes written upon it, they would never cloy, or become nauseous to a gracious heart. We used to say one thing tires, and it is true that it doth so, except that one thing be virtually and eminently all things, as Christ is; and then one thing can never tire; for such is the variety of sweetness in Christ.

It is greatly to your loss, that you live at such a distance from God, and are so seldom with him; think not the ablest ministers, or choicest books will ever be able to satisfy your doubts and comfort your hearts, whilst you let down your communion with God to so low a degree.

This care of God, thus engaged for you, is your convoy to accompany and secure you till it see you safe into your harbour of eternal rest.


    • None But Jesus by John Flavel

      None But Jesus

      Selections from the writings of John Flavel

      by John Flavel

      price From: $3.00
      Avg. Rating


      Here are some choice selections from Banner’s newest book in the Pocket Puritans series: None But Jesus.1 These quotes from John Flavel will give the reader a good taste of the riches found within this small volume. Buy one for yourself, for your friends and for your family members and drink deeply from Flavel’s edifying […]

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