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Web Reviews of Banner Books 2008 No. 11

Category Book Reviews
Date December 2, 2008

‘The book is valuable because it is honest about the agony of losing a child . . . And yet this book also powerfully testifies to the comfort of God, of his redemption in Christ, of victory over the grave, of sufficient promises to sustain his people in their sorrows.’ [Martin Downes on James W Bruce’s From Grief to Glory]

There were very few online reviews of Banner titles during November 2008, but the following are links to three blogs where reviews were posted. Two of these have already been reproduced in full in the ‘Articles’ section, and links are provided to these. The views expressed are of course those of the respective bloggers. . .

For each title mentioned, a link is also provided to the appropriate page of the Banner online Bookstore, where orders can be placed.


Martin Downes (Shotton, North Wales) on his Against Heresies blog and as a Banner ‘Article’ here.

Guy Davies (Wiltshire) on his Exiled Preacher blog and as a Banner ‘Article’ here.

Logan at Post Tenebras Lux.

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