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Review: A Day’s March Nearer Home

Category Book Reviews
Date June 1, 2010

A good autobiography should educate, edify and encourage. A Day’s March Nearer Home the autobiography of J. Graham Miller succeeds in all three areas. It is being published posthumously due to the faithful labours of Iain Murray, who was allowed access to 19 ring binders of autobiographical notes left by Rev’d Miller.

Graham Miller was a Presbyterian minister who served the Lord as a missionary, pastor, teacher and writer. Born in New Zealand in 1913, he worked primarily in Vanuatu (the New Hebrides), New Zealand and Australia before passing on in 2008.
Graham Miller writes in an engaging style that makes you want to turn the page. His full life was packed with action and incident. Don’t miss reading about his meeting with Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones or him buying Christian books by the yard!

The book is full of wise thoughts on subjects as diverse as quiet times and to how to live in retirement. All through, his love for the Lord and the doctrines of grace shines through. The book contains a mine of helpful tips for missionaries and pastors. His sacrificial service, balanced with a strong family life, are a model that all God’s servants can follow.

He lived in turbulent times in his church denomination, but remained committed to Bible truths. In many ways Graham Miller’s experiences are a microcosm of all the evangelical church went through in the 20th century and [this] is for this reason alone an important book.

Banner of Truth have matched the high quality contents with a high quality binding and illustrations. This is a book that will lift your spirits and inform your mind.

This review was first published on the Good Book Review website. The site has been closed as of March 2019.

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