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‘Logic on Fire’ – A Review by Julian Bull

Category Book Reviews
Date December 2, 2015

A review by Julian Bull of Media Gratiae’s multimedia presentation Logic on Fire: The Life and Legacy of Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones.1

Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones has been described by some as the ‘greatest preacher of the 20th century’. His ministry at Westminster Chapel in Buckingham Gate, London spanned the years from before WWII to the end of the sixties. ‘Logic on fire’ is a phrase he used to characterise what he believed was an essential element in preaching the Bible faithfully and effectively. The Logic on Fire DVD comes as an attractively packaged boxed set containing three discs, a cloth-bound souvenir book containing a brief biography, as well as information about the contributors and producers of what is described as ‘the official Martyn Lloyd-Jones documentary’. Four sermons and postcard sized photographs are also included. It has been produced by Media Gratiae, a Christian Media company in the US, with the approval of both the MLJ Trust and Banner of Truth.

For contemporary believers who may be unaware of the life and legacy of Martyn Lloyd-Jones this is a particularly valuable resource. For students for the ministry, serving pastors and preachers, our congregations, fellowship and Bible study groups generally, the screening of this would be edifying, challenging and informative. If there is one criticism of the production it is that very little is said about the tremendous blessing the published sermons of MLJ have been to generations of people from all over the world for the last 40 years and more. In particular it would have been most helpful for there to be some reference and recommendation of his book Preaching and Preachers and the series of expositions of both Ephesians2 and Romans.3 These are all still in print and available through Christian bookshops. Perhaps one of the effects of the DVD might be that it will whet the viewer’s appetite to further explore these very readable, edifying expositions of the gospel of God’s amazing grace. If that is the result then viewing it will have proven to be most beneficial.

Disc 1 contains the official documentary Logic on Fire and covers Martyn Lloyd-Jones’ early life in Wales, his brief but outstanding career as a medical practitioner, his conversion to Christ and his subsequent call to the pastorate of a small church in Wales and thence to Westminster Chapel as successor to Campbell Morgan. All-in-all it is a marvellous record of God’s grace to sinners and of the blessings that ensue when a pastoral ministry is anchored in the apostolic priorities of prayer, preaching, and pastoring.

Disc 2 is also heart-warming and informative because it contains a series of interviews with surviving family members, particularly his daughters, people who sat under his ministry at Westminster Chapel, and various well-known present-day pastors and preachers whose ministries were shaped and blessed by Dr Lloyd-Jones, including Iain Murray, Sinclair Ferguson and many others.

Disc 3 contains one episode of a recently released teaching resource entitled Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically which focuses on the ministry of Dr Lloyd-Jones and is led by Dr John Snyder.4

What ‘The Doctor’ would have made of this production himself can only be imagined. He is on record as once describing the tape recordings of sermons as ‘an abomination’. This was because of his assertion that proper preaching was an ‘event’, and involved an exchange between hearer and preacher, which when undertaken with the unction of the Holy Spirit is often accompanied by ‘the presence of God’, so in order to truly benefit and experience all that God does through good preaching one must be present as part of the congregation. That said, it is now possible for multitudes of individuals from all generations and from all over the world to reap the benefits and blessings of God’s gift to his church in the form of the life and ministry of one of his most able preachers.



      Logic On Fire

      The Life and Legacy of Dr. martyn Lloyd-Jones (DVD Documentary)

      by Media Gratiae

      price Original price was: $40.00.Current price is: $36.00.
      Avg. Rating


      A review by Julian Bull of Media Gratiae’s multimedia presentation Logic on Fire: The Life and Legacy of Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones.1 Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones has been described by some as the ‘greatest preacher of the 20th century’. His ministry at Westminster Chapel in Buckingham Gate, London spanned the years from before WWII to the end […]

  1. Available from the Trust as individual volumes (8 in the series).
    • Romans by Martyn Lloyd-Jones


      14 Volume Set

      by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

      price Original price was: $378.00.Current price is: $340.20.
      Avg. Rating


      A review by Julian Bull of Media Gratiae’s multimedia presentation Logic on Fire: The Life and Legacy of Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones.1 Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones has been described by some as the ‘greatest preacher of the 20th century’. His ministry at Westminster Chapel in Buckingham Gate, London spanned the years from before WWII to the end […]


      Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically

      DVD Set and Teacher's Guide

      by Media Gratiae

      price Original price was: $149.00.Current price is: $134.10.
      Avg. Rating


      A review by Julian Bull of Media Gratiae’s multimedia presentation Logic on Fire: The Life and Legacy of Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones.1 Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones has been described by some as the ‘greatest preacher of the 20th century’. His ministry at Westminster Chapel in Buckingham Gate, London spanned the years from before WWII to the end […]

Rev Julian Bull is pastor of Westminster Presbyterian Church, Perth, Western Australia. This review appeared in New Life (Australia), 1 October 2015 (page 9).

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