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What They’re Saying About Banner Books (2016 No. 1)

Category Book Reviews
Date January 14, 2016

‘a great little book … delightfully simple … [appendices] incredibly helpful for pastors and ministerial students.’
– Carl Trueman on Allan Harman’s Preparation For Ministry.

In the Notes below are links to selected online reviews of Banner titles, mostly posted October/December 2015. The views expressed are of course those of the respective bloggers/reviewers. For each title mentioned, a link is also provided to the appropriate page of the Trust’s online Bookstore, where orders can be placed.


Carl Trueman (Ambler, Pennsylvania) found Preparation For Ministry ‘a brief but brilliant book on ministry’ on his blog.

Terry Delaney (Mexico, Missouri) on Christian Book Notes says that Harman writes with ‘great understanding and experience’.


Justin McLendon (Phoenix, Arizona) on The Gospel Coalition says that this book ‘will bless those with spiritual appetites to know Jesus in a deeper way’.


Tony Reinke (Twin Cities, Minnesota) wrote on his own website – ‘For serious readers of Newton’s letters, the Works is a must-own resourse’.


For Bob Thomas (Mitcham, Victoria, Australia) in New Life (December 1, 2015, page 14), Goodwin ‘remains one whose work abides and enriches the soil of faith in the heart and mind of the believer’.


Terry Delaney (Mexico, Missouri) ‘cannot recommend it highly enough’ for all those who ‘love the church and love history’ on Christian Book Notes


Stephen J. Tracey (Rockport, Maine) on Ordained Servant – ‘Ferguson’s pastoral sense makes this an eminently readable book. His theological skill makes this a profoundly helpful book.’

Nate Claiborne (Florida) describes From the Mouth of God as ‘an accessible introduction to reading the Bible profitably as God’s Word’ on his blog.

Caleb Nelson (Greenville, South Carolina) believes that this book is ‘a practical guide to benefiting from Scripture’. See full review on World.

Joey Cochran (Oak Park, Illinois) on his website gives a comprehensive description of the background to the book and its contents. He says ‘Baxter sees these matters as life and death, not just for his parish but also for himself.’

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