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Love, marriage, sex, and children – that really is God’s plan and order and is our happiness as creatures made in His image and redeemed and recreated by His Son. by William Smith Tis the month for thoughts to turn to love and the things will follow from love. To be sure the order observed […]

Category Articles
Date February 11, 2003

The trip was such a wonderful experience that I did not know if I was still on the earth or with the Lord Franco Maggiotto is a reformed preacher in Italy who at one time was a Roman priest. Then one day as he was taking the mass, and verses from the letter to the […]

Category Articles
Date February 11, 2003

The Daily Telegraph reported the following on 3rd January: “The room is festooned with balloons that go far beyond the usual seasonal displays. Outside, yards of bunting drape across the guttering. A “Welcome Back Ian” poster is pinned to a noticeboard. “Just over three weeks ago, Stillman, who is deaf and diabetic and walks with […]

Category Articles
Date January 27, 2003

Sometimes loving a denomination requires you to fight. by J. I. Packer In June 2002, the synod of the Anglican Diocese of New Westminster authorized its bishop to produce a service for blessing same-sex unions, to be used in any parish of the diocese that requests it. A number of synod members walked out to […]

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Date January 27, 2003

Our Brazil conference (FIEL) record attendance of 1,386, with very little publicity, was certainly from above. That the number attending this year’s conference in Mozambique nearly doubled was an encouragement to all involved. We are praising Him for the addition to our Brazilian staff of Tiago, a young lawyer that came to the Lord through […]

Category Articles
Date January 23, 2003

Through the justifying work of God in Christ, applied to the sinner, the sanctifying reformation of a new creation begins to take place. Nor is it that this sanctifying work begins with minuscule magnitude. by William Harrell How is a true Christian to view his sin? By what measure should he judge its nature, its […]

Category Articles
Date January 22, 2003

It is wrong to wager with a trust fund. And all we have, as humans, is a trust fund. Everything we have is a trust from God, to be used for his glory by John Piper The West Virginia pastors who accepted Jack Whittaker’s tithe on his $170 million Powerball booty should be ashamed of […]

Category Articles
Date January 22, 2003

Are we at such a low point that the law sees an unhappy existence as a good enough reason for a premature death? by MICK HUME (writing in The Thunderer column in the Times) "The notion of flying off to the Alps to "get away from it all" could be about to take on a […]

Category Articles
Date January 22, 2003

The above words were spoken at a typical moment of melancholy by the greatest of the new England Puritans, Thomas Shepard. Ebenezer Publications of 1715 Matilda Street NE; Grand Rapids, MI 495

Category Articles
Date January 17, 2003

Many of the pastors felt the conference ended too soon, and some asked us to lengthen it to four or even five days in the future. by Charles Woodrow Our third annual Fiel conference for pastors and church leaders was held in Nampula 28-30 August. Many of you were praying and those prayers, and the […]

Category Articles
Date January 17, 2003

If such is the case, why would God allow a man like William Carey to spend more than 50 years translating the Scriptures into the language of the peoples of India? Why do missionaries need to spend years studying the language of the peoples to whom they will minister? by Fred Pugh Recently I was […]

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Date January 17, 2003

On Sunday 5 January preaching in the morning at the Willows Methodist Church in Pretoria. In the evening preaching at Constantia Park Baptist Church, Pretoria where Martin Holdt is the pastor. Two conferences, 6 to 8 and 8 to 10 January will take place at Magaliesburg. This is 45 minutes drive from Johannesburg and an […]

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Date January 10, 2003

In Dr Williams’ world, Evangelicals simply do not measure up to his criteria of what a theologian is. They are not mature, because they turn the Bible into an idol and worship it, instead of using its resources to plumb the spiritual depths of the human heart. by Professor Gerald Bray, Beeson Divinity School, Samford […]

Category Articles
Date January 10, 2003

Harris must be regarded as the principal founder of Welsh Calvinistic Methodism and the greatest spiritual force in the principality of his day At the Westminster Conference in Westminster Chapel London 11th December 2002 Rev. Graham Harrison of Newport gave a paper on Howell Harris, the greatest of all Welsh Evangelists. There has been an […]

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Date January 10, 2003

‘If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be anathema maranatha.’ Remember it is an old man that tells you so.’ At the Westminster Conference in Westminster Chapel Wednesday 11 December 2002 Rev. Stephen Clark of Bridgend spoke on Archibald Alexander beginning by quoting these words of his given near the end […]

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Date January 6, 2003

‘If God spare my life, ere many years I will cause that a boy that driveth the plough shall know more of the Scriptures than thou dost.’ The sickness of our culture was manifested in early December when Winston Churchill only narrowly beat Lady Diana the Princess of Wales into second place for the title, […]

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Date January 6, 2003

"I’ll praise my Maker while I’ve breath, And when my voice is closed in death Praise shall employ my nobler powers." At the Westminster Conference, Westminster Chapel, Wednesday 11th December 2002, Geoff Thomas gave a paper on "John Wesley – Bane or Blessing?" This is how he commenced his address: When John Wesley was almost […]

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Date January 6, 2003

The primary bond of the conscience derives from special revelation and the secondary bond from providential and voluntary arrangements. God alone has the power to bind the conscienceby Geoff Thomas At the Westminster Conference in London in Westminster Chapel on 10th December 2002 Philip Craig of Dunwoody near Atlanta, Georgia, gave a paper on the […]

Category Articles
Date December 30, 2002

he thought it absolutely necessary that some comfort should be administered to the multitudes of his dying fellow men; and that, as he could have no prospect in the exercise of his ministry equal in usefulness to the one which now offeredby Geoff Thomas The first paper at the Westminster Conference in Westminster Chapel on […]

Category Articles
Date December 30, 2002

[The following outline of a talk on worship was presented in November to the Men’s Fellowship at Maesycwmmer in the Rhymney Valley, 12 miles north of Cardiff in South Wales. Sixty men meet each month and discuss basic truths. Last year they studied the order of salvation. After the paper was presented there was forty […]

Category Articles
Date December 30, 2002

According to Jones, the sleeping church is characterized by forgetfulness and lack of proper mindset – one of humbleness, of right perspective on our sin, of comprehension that we are no longer civilians, but are in God’s army. by JAN MACOR CALGARY, CANADA. Is it possible for a church to sleep in the Light? It […]

Category Articles
Date December 27, 2002

How irrelevant the gospel message must seem to the world if the Archbishop of Canterbury thinks it is irrelevant to him. by Geoff Thomas It was an extraordinary opportunity presented to Dr Rowan Williams the newly-installed Archbishop of Canterbury. He was asked to choose a subject and give the prestigious Annual Dimbleby Lecture to the […]

Category Articles
Date December 27, 2002

"We need to also avoid using technical terms such as justification by faith because it doesn’t mean anything to them," said Attallah. "The message of the gospel is powerful, but sometimes we are an obstacle in proclaiming it to others." by John Van Dyk The quiet construction of mosques in various urban locations throughout North […]

Category Articles
Date December 27, 2002

From the start MARS has enjoyed a solid core of financial supporters from the Dutch Reformed community and a steady stream of students. This basic formula for success has remained unchanged since John P. Elliott DYER, Indiana. If Mid-America Reformed Seminary is judged by the goals of its founders, then it has "failed." MARS […]

Category Articles
Date December 24, 2002

Where in Luther’s day up to 500 young men prepared for the ordained ministry, there are only 95 now, plus some others studying to be religion teachers. by Uwe Siemon-Netto Two centuries before the Enlightenment, the Elector Frederick the Wise of Saxony made a highly enlightened move. He founded in Wittenberg a University that charged […]

Category Articles
Date December 24, 2002