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At last ‘Banner’ have published an edition of this greatly valued Christian classic, and have done so in a format worthy of the lasting spiritual value of the work. John Bunyan (1628-1688) wrote voluminously, his collected making three portly volumes in the definitive nineteenth-century edition (available in facsimile reprint from the Banner of Truth Trust). […]

Category Book Reviews
Date October 5, 2018

Have you ever read Charles Spurgeon for yourself? Maybe you have read about him, or heard about him in a sermon, but have never delved into his writings. Or perhaps you are well acquainted with the writings of Spurgeon, but it has been a while since you last read one of his books. Are you […]

Category Announcements
Date October 3, 2018

Instead of lifting my soul to gaze upon the Lord’s beauty while in a church service or reading my Bible at home, my mind drifts to my plans for later in the day, my favorite sports team, or to what is stressing me — and Satan loves it. When our minds are somewhere else, they […]

Category Articles
Date October 3, 2018

Recently I was speaking in a part of the country known for its antagonism to the gospel. Church planting in that area is very hard work. The small number of confessionally strong churches are making headway, but slowly. I admire these pastors, evangelists, and church planters more than I can say; it is a pleasure […]

Category Articles
Date October 1, 2018

In the video below, Pastor Mark Johnston details why the writings of the Puritans are so impactful even today. ‘Part of the genius of Puritan literature is that they were so taken up with God, and his grace, and the provision that was made for sinners through the Lord Jesus Christ, that they opened not […]

Category Announcements
Date September 28, 2018

Alistair Begg, pastor of Parkside Church in Cleveland, Ohio, is a long-time Banner of Truth magazine reader – and current subscriber! In the video below, he explains why. Are you interested in subscribing to the Banner magazine, or learning more about it? Click here for more information, or to subscribe. For one week only, when […]

Category Announcements
Date September 28, 2018

Proverbs 26.17 says, ‘He who passes by and meddles in a quarrel not his own is like one who takes a dog by the ears.’ Let go of either ear and you get bitten! If the controversy raised by this book review did not belong to me, wisdom would preclude my involvement—but alas, as a Reformed preacher I […]

Category Book Reviews
Date September 28, 2018

The Lord Christ was crucified. But he has risen from the dead and the resurrection is God’s public declaration that Jesus of Nazareth was the Son of God and that his death on that tree satisfied justice once and for all. And this Jesus has ascended up and sat down at the right hand of God, and he […]

Category Articles
Date September 26, 2018

‘They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.’ –Acts 2:42 James the apostle, in his letter to the twelve tribes who were disbursed abroad, was seeking to bring them back to the revival culture they had first experienced on the day of Pentecost, […]

Category Articles
Date September 24, 2018

I’m neither a diehard physical book fan nor a committed Kindle devotee. I read a hybrid of traditionally published texts and ebooks, depending on their content, price, their purpose, and the timescale that I have to read them. Often I will have a physical copy of a book and its ebook counterpart in the interests […]

Category Articles
Date September 19, 2018

‘They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.’ — Acts 2:42 I, for one, am very thankful that many of our Presbyterian and Reformed churches observe the Lord’s Supper each Sunday. After all, we believe that the Lord’s Supper is more than a […]

Category Articles
Date September 17, 2018

Published the year after his world-wide bestseller, Pilgrim’s Progress, this 1679 work on the Fear of God is misunderstood & neglected. Yet, anything from the pen of the converted tinker is worth its weight in gold. Bunyan was not only a master of the Word of God — ‘prick him and he bleeds holy scripture,’ […]

Category Book Reviews
Date September 14, 2018

‘They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.’ –Acts 2:42 Why does preaching do so little to transform people in the pew? When the Apostle Peter preached on the day of Pentecost, after the promised Holy Spirit had been poured out in fulfilment […]

Category Articles
Date September 10, 2018

This address was delivered by C. H. Spurgeon in 1891 and proved to be the final one he was to give at the Pastors’ College. A footnote to the introduction explains, ‘Having endured many years of poor health, which was not helped by the theological battles that had occupied his attention during the mid to […]

Category Book Reviews
Date September 7, 2018

This is a reprint of an article that was first published in the Banner of Truth magazine, July – August 1968. His words remain valuable today. * * * The Value of the Gospel No men in the world want help like them that want the Gospel. A man may want liberty, and yet be […]

Category Articles
Date September 5, 2018

‘They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.’ — Acts 2:42. In fulfilment of Joel’s prophecy (Joel 2:28-32), in fulfilment of Jesus’ promise (Luke 24:46-49, Acts 1:8), after ten days of earnest prayer, the Holy Spirit was poured out on the one hundred […]

Category Articles
Date September 3, 2018

What a remarkable volume to receive just now, in the early part of the 21st century! It is truly historically unique, containing as it does so much under one beautifully-produced cover. It is a joy to those committed to the Reformed Protestant Biblical Faith, and a timely publication in the midst of the gathering apostasy […]

Category Book Reviews
Date August 31, 2018

Every employment has its own particular perils and pitfalls, occupational hazards which are simply attendant on fulfilling the task in hand. In this post I want to share three healthy and holy fears which should characterise the mind and heart of a faithful minister. These are not the pathological fears which seize all of our […]

Category Articles
Date August 29, 2018

Imagine the average layperson in your church—the owner of a bike shop, a truck driver, a doctor, a secretary, a lawyer, a school teacher.  If you were to ask him or her, ‘How does your pastor expect you to apply your Christian faith to your work?’ What would they say? I can imagine the average […]

Category Articles
Date August 27, 2018

A few years ago, a Christian I knew ended his life prematurely. It was sudden, tragic, and devastating to all of us—but especially to his family. Sometimes it’s hard for any of us to believe that people could do this to themselves and to their families, but the reality is that any of us could […]

Category Articles
Date August 24, 2018

In some churches, it is a word that conjures up images of an angry and capricious God who acts arbitrarily to save some, but consigns most sinners—including deceased infants—to eternal perdition. For many professing Christians, it is the mother of all swear words. Let the pastor breathe it in the presence of the deacon board […]

Category Articles
Date August 22, 2018

On October 15th, pastor, author, and Banner of Truth trustee, Ian Hamilton, will be at Del Rey Church in Los Angeles, preaching on marriage and the Reformation. Additionally, a special Banner of Truth bookstore will be set up with classic selections on faith, family and more – all available at deep discounts. It will be an […]

Category Announcements
Date August 22, 2018

Here are some questions you must consider. . . 1. Are you currently meaningfully involved in a church? If not, do that for a few years and decide whether you still want to work in the church. 2. When you read about the offices of elder or deacon, do you resonate more deeply with one or […]

Category Articles
Date August 20, 2018

The writings of Mr. Bunyan need no recommendatory preface. The various editions they have passed through, and the different languages into which many of them have been translated, sufficiently prove that the gifts of God which were in him, have, by the divine blessing, been made very acceptable and useful to the churches. Though he […]

Category Articles
Date August 17, 2018

Unyielding Faithfulness: Devoted to Christ and His Church is a Banner of Truth one day event that will take place on October 13, 2018, at Disciples Church in Bakersfield, California. Ian Hamilton will be speaking on lessons from church history, focusing particularly on the lives of John Calvin and Jonathan Edwards. Mark Johnston will be […]

Category Announcements
Date August 16, 2018