$5 Books

Welcome to the $5 Books page! Updated bi-weekly, this page features five books for just $5 each. Check back often to view the current selection! These are quality resources that continue to be helpful in promoting biblical Christianity—for only $5. Happy reading!

Showing all 5 results

cover image for particular redemption by John Hurrion

Particular Redemption

The End and Design of the Death of Christ

by John Hurrion

price From: $6.00


Book Description ‘Christ gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.’ In Particular Redemption, taking up these words of Titus 2:14, John Hurrion expounds the doctrine of redemption, focusing attention especially on the end and design, extent and importance of […]

Philip and the Revival in Samaria
price $9.90


A thought-provoking and heart-warming study from Acts Chap. 8. 128pp.

Book Cover for 'Not By Bread Alone'

Not By Bread Alone

God's Word on Present Issues

by David Broughton Knox

price $8.10


Discusses contemporary issues such as Race, Punishment, Money, Women’s Liberation, War and Homosexuality. 160pp.


The Milk Of The Word

An Introduction to the Christian Faith

by Peter Barnes

price $5.00
Avg. Rating


A clear, simple introduction to fundamental truths of the Faith. 96pp.


The Beginnings

Word & Spirit in Conversion

by Paul Helm

price From: $5.40


Help on the beginnings of the spiritual life from an examination of the essential strands of biblical teaching. 136pp.

Showing all 5 results