Christian eBooks

The following ebooks include warm devotional and theological books published by the Banner of Truth. Noteworthy ebook titles include the Puritan prayer and devotional collection The Valley of Vision by Arthur Bennett, Thoughts for Young Men by J.C. Ryle, and the 1541 edition of John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion. EBooks are available in both ePUB and Mobi format.

Showing 157–168 of 257 results

Book Cover For 'Evangelical Holiness'

Evangelical Holiness

and Other Addresses

by Iain H. Murray

price From: $14.00


Iain Murray has sought in his book ‘Evangelical Holiness’ to continue the practice of awakening a younger generation to big spiritual issues.

price From: $2.00
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Book Description If there is a means more likely than any other under the Holy Spirit to bring about reformation and revival of true religion, it is the gift of powerful preachers. The object of the author in this booklet is to ascertain what, in its human aspect, are the conditions of power in the […]

Image cover of 'Catechizing Our Children'

Catechizing Our Children

The Whys and Hows of Teaching the Shorter Catechism Today

by Terry L. Johnson

price From: $10.00
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Book Description Communicating the faith to children is one of the great responsibilities of Christian parents. In Catechizing Our Children, Terry Johnson, a father as well as a pastor, shows how the Shorter Catechism can be of great help to parents facing this vital task. Many generations of Christian parents have found the Westminster Shorter […]


This God Our God

Creator, Judge, Saviour

by Archibald G. Brown

price From: $11.50


Book Description A companion volume to The Face of Jesus Christ, this new selection of sermons by Archibald G. Brown concentrate on the Bible’s teaching about God as Creator, Judge, and Saviour. Preached during the course of his long ministry in London, these sermons were heard by thousands and then read avidly by multitudes who prized […]

The Way to True Happiness by Ralph Venning
price From: $3.00


Endorsement ‘To read the work of a Puritan doctor of the soul is to enter a rich world of spiritual theology to feed the mind, heart-searching analysis to probe the conscience, Christ-centred grace to transform the heart, and wise counsel to direct the life. This series of Pocket Puritans provides all this in miniature, but […]


The Atonement

In its relations to the covenant, the priesthood, the intercession of our Lord

by Hugh Martin

price From: $13.50
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EndorsementsRead More ↓ ‘Hugh Martin did not belong to the type of theologian who simply pours new wine into old wine bottles, or vice versa. He thought through the truth from first principles, always sensitive to the text of Scripture. Thus the reader is never left simply ticking off boxes, ‘heard that’, ‘know this’. Rather […]


Practical Religion

Being Plain Papers on the Duties, Experience, Dangers, and Privileges of Professing Christians

by J. C. Ryle

price From: $16.00
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Book Description As with all Ryle’s works, Practical Religion is clear, concise and penetrating. It was designed to be a companion to his other books, Old Paths, Knots Untied and Holiness, providing guidance on how the Christian believer is to live. In Ryle’s own words, it ‘treats of the daily duties, dangers, experience, and privileges […]


Finding Peace with God

Justification Explained

by Maurice Roberts

price From: $2.00
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Book Description Justification. Just another piece of theological jargon, or a vital teaching which may be compared to the very door by which the Christian faith is entered? Picture the scene: Almighty God, the perfectly just Judge, is seated in his great High Court of Justice. The Christian believer, trusting in Christ, stands before him. […]

cover image for The Faith Shaped Life by Ian Hamilton
price From: $13.00


Book Description The Christian life is a faith-shaped life. Faith is the instrument that unites us to Christ, but it is also the reality that shapes how we live in union with Christ. From beginning to end the Christian lives by faith. The life of faith is not easy. The Christian is engaged in an […]

image of Silent Witnesses by Garry Williams

Silent Witnesses

Lessons on theology, life, and the church from Christians of the past

by Garry J. Williams

price From: $13.50


Book Description In this book Garry Williams writes about Christians of the past for Christians of the present. He describes both famous and less well-known figures and movements from church history, from the fourth century through to the twentieth: Augustine of Hippo, the Council of Chalcedon, Martin Luther, William Tyndale, Nicholas Ridley, John Calvin, Anne […]

Samuel Rutherford and His Friends by Faith Cook
price From: $14.00


Book Description A man may be known by the company he keeps. Here, Faith Cook introduces us to Samuel Rutherford’s friends, who are called on to give us a fresh look at the man who has long been held in such high affection by Christian people around the world. The days in which Samuel Rutherford […]

The Life of Martyn Lloyd-Jones by Iain H. Murray
price From: $15.00
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EndorsementsRead More ↓ ‘I am deeply thankful that God led me to Lloyd-Jones in 1968. He has been a constant reminder: you don’t have to be cool, hip, or clever to be powerful. In fact, the sacred annointing is simply in another world from those communication techniques. His is the world I want to live […]

Showing 157–168 of 257 results