Death of Christians

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price $24.30


Book Description Brooks’ popularity lies both in his subjects – practical truths, central to the Christian life – and in the manner of his presentation. He is ever direct, urgent, fervent, full of Scripture and able to choose words which make his sentences as memorable as melodies. Table of Contents Expand ↓ I London’s Lamentations […]

price $43.20
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Book Description The only full edition of Edwards’ Works currently available. Dr. D. M. Lloyd-Jones said ‘In my early days in the ministry there were no books which helped me more, both personally and in respect of my preaching, than this two-volume edition of The Works of Jonathan Edwards…I devoured these volumes and literally just […]

Memoir & Remains of Robert Murray M‘Cheyne by Andrew Bonar
price $31.50
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A much-loved classic which contains Bonar’s life of M‘Cheyne and a wide selection of his sermons, letters and other writings. 664pp.

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