New Titles

Some of our new releases are reprints that have not been available for decades, in some cases hundreds of years, while others are newly written works.

Showing 1–12 of 25 results

The Life of Elijah by A. W. Pink
price $16.20
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An exposition of Elijah’s ministry with application to the contemporary situation. Paperback, 320 pages.

Five Pioneer Missionaries

Five Pioneer Missionaries

John Eliot, David Brainerd, Henry Martyn, William Chalmers Burns, John G. Paton


price $13.50
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The awe-inspiring stories of David Brainerd, William Chalmers Burns, John Eliot, Henry Martyn and John G. Paton. 408pp.

The Diary and Journal of David Brainerd

Diary and Journal of David Brainerd

With Notes and Reflections by Jonathan Edwards

by David Brainerd, Jonathan Edwards

price From: $8.00


Brainerd’s life is a vivid, powerful testimony to the truth that God can and does use weak, sick, discouraged, lonely, struggling saints . . . to accomplish amazing things for his glory’ — John Piper. 792pp.

Help Heavenward by Octavius Winslow

Help Heavenward

Guidance and Strength for the Christian’s Life Journey

by Octavius Winslow

price $12.60


Guidance and encouragement from ‘The Pilgrim’s Companion’ for Christians on their life journey. Paperback, 232 pages.

A Guide to the Puritans index by Robert P. Martin

A Guide to the Puritans

A Topical and Scriptural Index to the Writings of the Puritans and their Successors

by Robert P. Martin

price $31.50
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A topical and Scriptural index to the writings of the Puritans and their successors by Robert P. Martin. Clothbound, 546 pages.

Confesión de Fe de Westminster

Confesión de Fe de Westminster

Catecismo Menor de Westminster y algunos credos

price $14.40


»El fin principal del hombre es glorificar a Dios y gozar de Él para siempre« —Catecismo Menor de Westminster A través de esta nueva edición de la Confesión de Fe de ‌Westminster, y su respectivo Catecismo Menor, queremos invitar al pueblo cristiano hispano a continuar profundizando en aquellas verdades doctrinales que han llevado a la […]

Texts that Transform: Life by Terry Johnson
price $11.70


Book Description This new book is a rare combination of devotional, memoir, and Bible study that brings the reader into a sense of relationship with the author and renewed connection to God’s word. Travelling through Terry Johnson’s conversion, call, and growth in Christian understanding and character, one reflects on the passages that have influenced his […]

Last Things by David McKay

Last Things

Preparing for the Future in the Present


price From: $6.50


Book Description When discussing the ‘last things,’ what often comes to our minds is the book of Revelation and its striking visions – and often unhelpful speculation about their details. David McKay focuses instead on the Bible’s clear message about things to come: the Lord’s return, the certainty of judgment, the resurrection, and the reality […]

Suffering by Paul Wolfe


God’s Purpose in Our Pain

by Paul D. Wolfe

price From: $6.50
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Book Description Few topics provoke more questions in the human heart than that of suffering. Paul Wolfe addresses this painful subject with both pastoral and personal experience. Here a struggling soul can find assurance that Christ is still near, still compassionate, and still safely shepherding the Christian through every dark valley. A clear and concise […]

Living the Psalms by David Murray

Living the Psalms

Learning to Glorify and Enjoy God Each Day


price From: $6.50


Book Description Christians have long recognized the book of Psalms to be the great handbook of the spiritual life. Martin Luther thought of it as the Bible in miniature, and John Calvin prized it as ‘an anatomy of all parts of the soul.’ Pastor and author David Murray shows how the Psalms speak of Christ, […]

Good Tidings of Great Joy by Charles Spurgeon

Good Tidings of Great Joy

Christ’s Incarnation the Foundation of Christianity

by C. H. Spurgeon

price $17.10
Avg. Rating


Thirty-eight meditations on Christ’s incarnation from the pen of C. H. Spurgeon. 176 pages, cloth-bound.

From Day to Day by Robert Macdonald

From Day to Day

Helpful Words for the Christian Life

by Robert Macdonald

price $31.50


From Day to Day is a year-long devotional by Robert Macdonald featuring helpful words for the Christian life interwoven with wisdom from the Puritans. Clotbound, 576 pages.

Showing 1–12 of 25 results