Published: 1990

Showing all 9 results

image of the book 'The cross' by DMLJ

The Cross

The Vindication Of God

by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

price From: $2.00


Above all else, the cross is a vindication of the character of God. 32pp.

D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones (2 Volumes) by Iain Murray

D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

2 Volume Set

by Iain H. Murray

price $58.50
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This authorised biography traces the story of the ‘Doctor’ from a Harley Street medical practice to ministry in an impoverished Welsh mining town, the pulpit of Westminster Chapel and a worldwide influence. 412 & 862pp.


Psalm 119

3 Volume Set

by Thomas Manton

price $72.00
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Thomas Manton's (1620-77) published expositions are characterised by careful preparation, systematic explanation of the text, rich illumination of its significance and a deep concern for the practical application of the biblical truth to daily living.

price $3.60


Book Description ¿Cómo debe valorar el creyente las afirmaciones actuales acerca de los dones espirituales? En este libro Walter Chantry describe la propagación mundial del movimiento carismático, y considera su importancia. Dios sigue obrando hoy en el mundo, pero el autor no cree que los poderes milagrosos estén ya en manos de hombres y mujeres […]

D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones: Volume 2 by Iain Murray

D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Volume 2: The Fight of Faith 1939 - 1981

by Iain H. Murray

price $35.10
Avg. Rating


This authorised biography traces the story of the ‘Doctor’ from a Harley Street medical practice to ministry in an impoverished Welsh mining town, the pulpit of Westminster Chapel and a worldwide influence. 416 & 856pp.

Salvation, the Bible, and Catholicism by William Webster
price $9.00
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Using authoritative Roman Catholic documents, the author provides an instructive, thought-provoking and personally challenging analysis of Roman Catholic teaching and how it compares with Scripture. 184pp.

Jonathan Edwards On Knowing Christ
price $13.50


A selection of ten of Edwards’ sermons providing a fine sample of the God-centredness of this pastor/theologian’s ministry. 280pp.



A Study in Compassion

by O. Palmer Robertson

price $5.40


A wonderfully readable study of the grace of God and the twistedness of man’s heart — ‘A Study in Compassion.’ 64pp.

Lives Of Robert & James Haldane
price $31.50


The lives of the author’s father and uncle, members of the Scottish aristocracy, who became identified for fifty years with many of the foremost evangelical enterprises of the 19th century. 728pp.

Showing all 9 results