Scripture Reference: Whole Bible

Showing 13–24 of 148 results

cover image for Bible Names

Bible Names

presenting gospel truths to little children using bible names and their meanings

by Alison Brown

price Original price was: $8.00.Current price is: $7.20.


Book Description One of the first words a child learns to recognise, and then to write, is his own name. He identifies not simply with its shape and sound, but often with its origin, especially if he shares it with someone he loves and respects. Bible names were often derivatives of Greek or Hebrew words […]

Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin
price From: $20.00
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Institutes of the Christian Religion is Calvin’s single most important work and one of the key texts to emerge from the Reformation of the sixteenth century. None deserves to be better known than the first French edition of 1541.

Cover image for 'Los Diez Mandamientos'

Los Diez Mandamientos

The Ten Commandments

by Thomas Watson

price Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $13.50.


Book Description En este libro Thomas Watson continúa su exposición del Catecismo Menor elaborado por la Asamblea de Westminster. Watson fue uno de los predicadores más populares de Londres durante la era puritana. Sus escritos se caracterizan por la claridad, raciness y riqueza espiritual. La serie de tres volúmenes, de los cuales éste es el […]


This God Our God

Creator, Judge, Saviour

by Archibald G. Brown

price From: $11.50


Book Description A companion volume to The Face of Jesus Christ, this new selection of sermons by Archibald G. Brown concentrate on the Bible’s teaching about God as Creator, Judge, and Saviour. Preached during the course of his long ministry in London, these sermons were heard by thousands and then read avidly by multitudes who prized […]


Practical Religion

Being Plain Papers on the Duties, Experience, Dangers, and Privileges of Professing Christians

by J. C. Ryle

price From: $16.00
Avg. Rating


Book Description As with all Ryle’s works, Practical Religion is clear, concise and penetrating. It was designed to be a companion to his other books, Old Paths, Knots Untied and Holiness, providing guidance on how the Christian believer is to live. In Ryle’s own words, it ‘treats of the daily duties, dangers, experience, and privileges […]


Finding Peace with God

Justification Explained

by Maurice Roberts

price From: $2.00
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Book Description Justification. Just another piece of theological jargon, or a vital teaching which may be compared to the very door by which the Christian faith is entered? Picture the scene: Almighty God, the perfectly just Judge, is seated in his great High Court of Justice. The Christian believer, trusting in Christ, stands before him. […]

cover image for The Faith Shaped Life by Ian Hamilton
price From: $13.00


Book Description The Christian life is a faith-shaped life. Faith is the instrument that unites us to Christ, but it is also the reality that shapes how we live in union with Christ. From beginning to end the Christian lives by faith. The life of faith is not easy. The Christian is engaged in an […]


Word Wise

Volume 2: Just as God Said!

by Alison Brown

price Original price was: $8.00.Current price is: $7.20.


A book that plainly shows the relevance and trustworthiness of the bible to children. 32pp.

Book Cover For Bible Animals

Bible Animals

Lessons on living for God, based on some Bible birds and animals

by Alison Brown

price From: $4.00


A collection of animal stories from the bible to capture the attention of your children and teach them important Bible truths when they are young. 32pp.

price Original price was: $145.00.Current price is: $130.50.
Avg. Rating


Although massive scholarship lies behind this work, Poole’s Commentary is clear and easy to follow. Each chapter is preceded by an outline of the contents and principal teaching. Approx 1000pp. per volume.


Tratado de Teología

A Body of Divinity

by Thomas Watson

price Original price was: $14.50.Current price is: $13.05.


Book Description Este primer libro publicado por The Banner of Truth Trust en Ingles ha sido uno de sus exitos de libreria, ademas del volumen mas util e influyente de su catalogo a lo largo de los años  Ello se debe a varias razones: EI tema del libro. Trata de las principales verdades doctrinales y practicas […]

The Works of Richard Sibbes
price Original price was: $189.00.Current price is: $170.10.
Avg. Rating


Book Description After William Perkins, ‘the heavenly Doctor Sibbes’ was the most significant of the great Puritan preachers of Cambridge. This reprint of the complete seven-volume set of the Works of Richard Sibbes shows why this is so. Strong thoughts, simple sentences, deep knowledge of the Bible and the human heart and a sure pastoral […]

Showing 13–24 of 148 results