Scripture Reference: Whole Bible

Showing 37–48 of 148 results

Book Cover for 'A Bible Alphabet'

A Bible Alphabet

Introducing little children to well-known Bible stories

by Alison Brown

price Original price was: $8.00.Current price is: $7.20.


Illustrated Bible stories for very young readers, 32pp.

A Bible Alphabet Activity Book by Alison Brown
price Original price was: $6.00.Current price is: $5.40.


An Activity Book to accompany A Bible Alphabetwith 26 tear-out sheets for colouring-in and completing. 32pp. & 64pp.

Book Cover for 'Metropolitan Tabernacle'

Metropolitan Tabernacle

Volume 38: Sermons preached and revised in 1892

by C. H. Spurgeon

price Original price was: $33.00.Current price is: $29.70.


Includes the last sermons Spurgeon personally prepared for publication before his death in January 1892. 640pp.

Cover Image of 'Christian Experience'
price Original price was: $18.00.Current price is: $16.20.


Christian Experience is a selection of material drawn from the later years of Donald MacDonald’s ministry. These fourteen chapters contain vital spiritual truth illuminated by the personal anecdotes of a man who saw the whole of life in focus because his eyes were fixed on Christ. 147pp.

image of the carnal Christian booklet
price From: $2.00
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The nature and effects of true conversion. 24pp.

cover image for 'Coming to Faith in Christ'
price From: $2.00
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A straightforward summary of the Christian gospel. 16pp.

A Call to Pray by J. C. Ryle
price From: $2.00
Avg. Rating


A Call to Prayer encourages the practice and privilege of private prayer, pointing out the blessings of prayer and the dangers of prayerlessness. 32pp.

Behind A Frowning Providence
price From: $2.00
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God’s gracious purpose in the sorrows and suffering of his people. 32pp.

price Original price was: $12.00.Current price is: $10.80.


Book Description Una de las organizaciones fundadas por Charles Spurgeon fue el Pastor’s College (1856), que después adoptaría el nombre de Spurgeon College. Fue alli donde en 1865 inició unas conferencias anuales para pastores, doce de las cuales componen este libro. Spurgeon fue un evangelista que llevó a miles de personas a los pies del […]


Sendas Antiguas

Old Paths

by J. C. Ryle

price Original price was: $14.00.Current price is: $12.60.


Book Description El primero en utilizar la expresión sendas antiguas fue el profeta Jeremías, que garantizó aquienes las siguieran que hallarían descanso para [su] alma (Jer. 6:16). J.C. Ryle tenía la misma convicción, y escribió: Cuantos más años pasan, más convencido estoy de que el mundo no necesita un nuevo evangelio, tal como algunos parecen pensar. […]

price Original price was: $4.00.Current price is: $3.60.


Book Description ¿Cómo debe valorar el creyente las afirmaciones actuales acerca de los dones espirituales? En este libro Walter Chantry describe la propagación mundial del movimiento carismático, y considera su importancia. Dios sigue obrando hoy en el mundo, pero el autor no cree que los poderes milagrosos estén ya en manos de hombres y mujeres […]


The Works of John Owen

Volume 7: Sin and Grace

by John Owen

price Original price was: $28.00.Current price is: $25.20.
Avg. Rating


Book Description Despite his other achievements, Owen is best famed for his writings. These cover the range of doctrinal, ecclesiastical and practical subjects. They are characterized by profundity, thoroughness and, consequently, authority. Andrew Thomson said that Owen ‘makes you feel when he has reached the end of his subject, that he has also exhausted it.’ […]

Showing 37–48 of 148 results